[bappybeach] Akira's Beachy, Bappy memories

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It was a calm night. Akira had decided to go back to the beach to visit again as he had loved the beach ever since he was just a Bappy.  His thoughts halted as he took in his surroundings. The sand was crunchy under him. The sea crystal clear waving up and down upon the shoreline. Shwwoof… Powmf. The sound of the oceans always calmed him. Then he thought again, “what was it like being here as a Bappy?” He would lay back in the sand, the softness of the sand getting so.. So.. comfy almost like a bed.. He would think “I'm just gonna rest my eyes, i won't fall asleep” He relaxed against the sand some more before falling asleep quickly. Pictures of a bright eventful day. He remembered his mother putting him down in the soft sand. He giggled and played around in the sand, getting it all over his mother. “Oh akira! You're so goofy!” She would say in the voice that people use to talk to their young. “You have fun, cutie, okay?” she would say, before sitting back in a beach chair, watching akira play in the sand. Akira would roll around, throwing sand into the air. Then bringing some sand up to his mouth and trying to eat it. He spat out the gritty sand, it left a bad taste in his mouth, he started thrashing and threw the sand around like a ragdoll, almost angry at it. His mother would come over and say “Akira, what's wrong sweetie?” she would say, kneeling down to comfort akira with love and affection. “Akira, akiiiraaaa, akira?” he would hear his mother say. Wait no, this isn't right! He would think, then all of a sudden he was awake once more, frustrated, he had slept a few hours on the beach, and a friend of his had found him and awoke him. “Wake uuupp sleepy heaaaaaaad” his friend would say. He would giggle and throw sand at them. “You woke me up from a good dreaaaam!” His friend would playfully kick sand back at him and say “Well I can't leave you asleep on the beach!” Akira would calmly respond “Well, it's fine, thank you.” he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly “Have a nice day!” he would walk off, almost rudely, but his friend did not seem to mind.He would sit in the sand like he had when he was a Bappy in his dream playing around. It just wasn’t the same as when he was a young whippersnapper huh? He had slept long enough he could not return to his dream world. So he decided to keep acting out the memory. What happened afterwards? He had been angry at the sand! “Raggh!” he would yell, making a fool of himself and kicking the sand around it flew up into the air and fell quickly, making a pitter patter as it tumbled to the ground. He started to imagine a vivid scene in his head, in the middle of the day, almost as if he was watching from the third person. He smiled, once more remembering the greatness of this day. His mother had come over to comfort him. “Don't eat the sand akira! It's no different than dirt!” she would hug him until he had calmed. “You need to make the sand your friend.” she would walk over to grab a bucket, akira would watch his mother with curious eyes, still being young and not understanding nearly anything she just said, but still intrigued as it was his mother after all. She came back with a bucket. “This is a bucket!” She said, He stared at it with desire, excited and reaching for it, but before she gave it to him, she said. “But wait, there's more. '' His mother would place the bucket on the ground and begin to fill it with sand, watching akira and trying to get akira to help. “Fill it!” She would say gently but with excitement, looking into bappy akira’s eyes. Akira would grab sand and throw it around some more, losing focus very quickly, as he is just a bappy. His mother would just scoop up some sand and plop it down in front of him, before picking it up and leaving a cone of sand in the way. Bappy akira would clap and giggle upon seeing this, and his mother would smile. Bappy akira would reach out and try to pick up the sand castle and it would crumble between his fingers. He looked astonished, adult akira, viewing the memory would laugh. “Wow, I was so stupid!” Bappy akira would get angry again. His mother would scoop him and hold him, cradling him genty. “Okay buddy, maybe sand is not for you!” she would say, booping his nose. Bringing him over to the shoreline. Adult akira would snap out of the memory. A different Symprite walking over and asking him “Are you okay pal? You’ve been staring at nothing for the past 30 minutes.” Akira would jump and his face would turn red. “Erm, yes! Yes, I was just remembering so many memories that needed remembering?” He would say, embarrassed. “Well then you have fun with that!” the random symprite would say before walking away. Akira would walk to the shoreline, wanting to see how it felt now, then going back to his memories of being a Bappy. As he stepped to the waterline, the sand went from soft and gritty, to moist and squishy. He could pick it up and throw in a clump. He twisted his ankles until his hooves were overtaken by the sand. Staring out at sea. Watching the waves rise and fall as they impacted his ankles lightly. He loved the smell of the salty water, the clear air out to sea, and the wind brushing against his face. This was truly paradise he thought to himself. The air tasted like the smell of chlorine. He could hear the wind whistling in his ear like a bird singing a song. Wheeeeeeewhh
Suddenly, a big wave came by and slammed into him, knocking him on his rump. He giggled afterwards, sitting there and closing his eyes to imagine his memories once more. He remembered his mother sitting him by the shoreline, herself in front of him to make sure he did not float away or go out to sea. He would giggle and splash around, little fishies had come up to the shoreline and floated along it. He would grab at them and they would swim away. His mother would grab his arm and say “Don't grab the fish akira, you don't wanna hurt them.” She would say kindly. His distraction would immediately divert to the shells around him. He would pick them up and stare at them, before putting them in his lap, collecting them, the whole time his mother was watching intently. The shells felt rough on one side but smooth on the other. He would clink them together and hear the little Tink TInk TInk  when they contacted each other. The particularly big shells he would stick to his suction cups under his tail. When his mother looked back over she giggled “What are you doing silly? Those don't go there!”  Although she would not take them away, as it is just a bappy being a silly youngster, no harm being done. She would then grab him using the suction cups on her tail, to stick to his smooth scales. “Are you ready to go on an adventure buddy?” She would say with excitement, preparing to take him for his first dive. She would slowly move further out to sea, and slowly submerge. Akira would look around with wonder. When the Warm water, heated by the sun. He would take the first breath of water through his gills. He could taste the salty water now, it was an overwhelming flavor, he tried to spit it out in retaliation, Him being a little bappy though, he did not understand this will not work, and more salt water went into his mouth. He would get distracted, looking under and staring at all the shells, clams, coral and seaweed. The abundant life. He felt like he belonged here. The clownfish with their orange and white colors. They glistened in the sunlight, he could hear the sound of moving water in his ears. He spotted a blue tang and smiled. He loved the bright blue. He was giggling and having a joyous time. He even saw a lion fish. Its body was like a peacock that had expanded. Akira came to reality in real life once more. Realizing he should go check it out now, although it had started to get dark. He would pull his hooves out of the sand. Pushing off the ground and walking into the water. Diving down and looking down at the coral reef again. He sees clownfish and blue tangs like in his memory. It did not give him the same feeling as when he was a little Bappy. As he had seen thousands in his lifetime. How age burns away at your joy and time. When he was little every little fish would make him giggle. He would sigh and continue looking around, looking for little details to fill him with joy. He would look at the sea anemones. Seeing the clownfish inside, seeing a small family and smiling to himself. He would giggle to himself, what crazy words. Anemone. It was just so fun to say and it sounded like such a dumb word. He would go back to his memories, his mother had moved to the open sea, they would climb along the ocean floor looking at things, every animal and creature his mother would point out just to see him happy. They even swam with some tuna. Akira would look at their glistening scales, enjoying the beauty of something so simple. Then he realized that he had shiny scales too! What a wonderful world! He would even see some flying fish by the surface, and reach his arms out towards them, his mother would bring them up towards them. His mother would lift him out of the water and say “Watch this buddy” she would kick her legs and the fish would jump out of the water, he would giggle and point. It was almost like time slowed down when this happened. He would stare. Their scales and fins would glisten in the sunlight, making a rainbow of colors before they all splashed back down in the water. Pelicans would squawk and fly over the water. Akira would flap his arms like a bird, and his mom would begin to swim on the surface of the water. “Nyoooom!” His mother would say out loud, making him feel like a bird. The water would drip out of his drenched hair, the air smelling even saltier than on the beach, he would look back and see the beach, it was so small now. They would go under again, diving deeper and deeper. They would find some dolphins. They would squeak and chitter at the two of them. Akira would warble back playfully. Mraaawww
The dolphins felt smooth under their hands. They were playful, but soon after, they would start to hit bappy akira around with their flippers. Akira would begin to cry, being smacked around like a ball. Akira’s mother, enraged, would ram into the dolphins with her horns, and then scooping up her bappy akira, and hugging him closely. He was giggling, the dolphins had not hurt him, but they scared him. Which is why he was crying before, but he watched his mother whoop those hooligans in shape and he loved watching it. She would sigh. “You scared me so much, Akira! Those dolphins are crazy!” She would kiss him on the forehead, and Akira would open his mouth and let out a large bubble which floated into his mother's head and he would giggle, so would the real Akira, giggling himself away remembering his bappy memories. The real akira would then swim out to sea, letting his imagination take hold, starting to play pretend with himself, wanting to feel the joy of being a bappy again. He would swim on the surface of the water, and pretend to fly like a bird. Feeling the air in his hair and the water spraying up from the surface onto him. He would dive and look at all the fish. Big fish, small fish, colorful fish, and stupid looking fish. He would even tuck his tail away and swim like a human, silly humans. He laughed to himself. He would dive deep to look at the crazy fish he would never go to see when he was a bappy, as it was too scary. He now learned to appreciate the blobfish and angler fish. He would make his way back to the beach to continue his remembering of memories though. Once he pulled up on the beach, he had sand in all of his scales and fur, drenched entirely. He went to sit on the beach again. He remembered that his mother had brought him over to a few other Bappies to play some games. They had inflated a rubber sack and created a line in the sand. The rubber sack would float around like it was underwater. Another whippersnapper would smack it up into the air with his tail making a loud solid KRAK! He would hit it back with his tail, seeming to get the general idea. He would giggle and stumble around over other Bappies playing this game. The sun glinted off of the ball, the other Bappies scales shining under the sun. The constant sound of the ball hitting things Krak, Whap, SMACK!  After several hours of playing and losing, a-lot. He would run up to his mom and give her a hug. His mother would say “Awww, well aren't you such a cute little thing!” They went over to a group of Symprites that were playing music on instruments. The instruments made a song, there was a pleasant beat on a drum in the back. With a girl up front, singing with her high pitched voice. Another one of them is playing some sort of a whistle. Akira now recalls the music not being so great. Though he was little, he cheered and giggled and smiled. Giving the sand another chance. He found a shell and picked it up, it had a little hermit crab inside. It poked its head out and he watched it intently. It did not pinch him, as it was not that scared. It crawled up his arm and he watched it intently. The wind of the sea faintly blows in the background behind the music. Its little legs felt pointy on his arm, although it did not bug him, as his arms were covered in scales, and it would not hurt him. After a bit, the hermit crab walked off his hand and fell, he giggled and it went back into its shell to rest. Akira and his mother strolled along the beach. They walked for a long time, who knows how long. The wind whistled and put on a gentle tune for them. He was on his mother's shoulders and he hugged her head gently. The water kept waxing and waning from the shoreline. Shells and dirt and seaweed showing up on the shoreline every time. Eventually they came upon a large black rock along the shoreline. It was just sitting there, it was about the same size as Akira's mom’s head. Akira’s mother put him down near the rock, and he tried to pick it up, it was much too heavy to do so. He started to push it around with both of his hands, his mother watching intently, his tail dragging in the sand behind him leaving a line through the sand, with two hoof prints around it along the way. Eventually, he got bored and his tummy rumbled loudly. His mother scooped him up and went to a food place along the beach. His mother ordered food and they went back to the beach together to sit by the shore to eat. His mother got him a watermelon slice. He bit into it and it squelched juice. It was sweet as it was covered in some sugar. A seed got stuck in one of his teeth, he pushed it out with his tongue and spat it out into the sand and giggled gleefully. The watermelon was cold in his hands, and soft, it smelled like the other food in the restaurant, biscuits and fish. He loved the beach by now. Although he was stuffed and tired. He clung to his mother and hugged her. Once she finished a plate of salmon, she brought him over to a fire and a large gathering along the beach. The same Trio of Symprite from before was playing music, and the fire was large and strong. He loved how the warmth of the fire felt on his scales. He bleated and smiled, watching all the happy symprites around him. They were playing games, talking gleefully and listening to music. Yet he was still too young to understand the words they spoke.  Suddenly, two symprites ran over with a stick, they held it up and yelled. “WHO WANTS TO LIMBOOOO!” Several symprites lined up and started to play around. His mother even got in line with him, she fell and laughed after she fell, but when it was akria’s turn, he just walked under it, and everybody else whooped and cheered. “Yeah!!! Go little guy!” He had no idea why they were talking at him, but he liked it and smiled and giggled. The night was over before long and he clung to his mother to sleep. Soon though, Akira became aware of his surroundings and realized it was all a flashback. The joys of being a bappy were gone now that he was older, simple things did not make him happy anymore and he had responsibilities. He sighed and went off to go home to sleep, but he smiled to himself, knowing that he could reflect and see his past, and relive that joy he used too.


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[bappybeach] Akira's Beachy, Bappy memories
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In Writing Only Prompts ・ By Droplee
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Submitted By Droplee for Beachy Bappy Memories ✧ Writing Only
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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