[moonchill] LOVESTRUCK PART2

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“Have we gotten what we needed!?”


“Pretty much! Wait- I need to inform them about the light setting!!”


“Can someone find me more pins so I can deal with Orion’s cape!”


During the Moonchill Festival many performances were held to entertain both symprites and aramelles who participated in many activities the festive time has to offer. Musicians and poets, even talented artists expressed their creativity through many means and Orion — Star Sapphire himself — is one of the well known performers who had prepared a special performance for the occasion. Despite careful planning and matriculated practicing, things that could have gone wrong did, indeed, went wrong.


“Our performance will be the next one in line, hurry now!”


“Jeez, Minnie… No stress AT. ALL.” 


While his ears heard the bickering from the crew around him, Orion did nothing but sit still, he still needed to preserve his voice until the time came. His eyes fluttered shut, long lashes fell over his cheeks. After a while a soft long note slipped its way into their tent, a sweet melody from a bow that got placed upon a row of strings. The sound of violin from outside eased Orion’s mind in that instant as he recalled something about the symprite who would occupy the stage before him. The person who was on the stage was no doubt one of Orion’s favorite musicians. The male has stacks upon stacks of records from this artist at home where he would play it whenever he wanted to unwind, he’d even make up some lyrics to go with the tune. When the blue symprite learned that he could meet them at the festival this year Orion was overjoyed. Alas, faith doesn’t seem to be too kind to him.


During his journey the wheel of his cart got caught in the sludge and broke off and his crap almost slipped under a layer of ice. They needed to stop for repairs and it slowed them down for a whole day. Even after they have reached Elysium they still arrive way too late for the rehearsal for Star Sapphire needing to get his costume fitted. The whole crew had been running around like headless chickens since they arrived, while Orion could only swallow his disappointment — unable to meet his idol. Even so — the melodic notes coming from the stage at the moment allowed his mind to be at peace so he could sink deep into his thoughts for a little while. Another year will soon pass, he will change again. The cold wind of the arctic brought him back to his childhood when Orion was but a wide-eyed bappy who loves running around in snow — He was happy. He’s happy now, too. Despite him growing so big now, his baby fur all got shed and his patterns revealed itself, his keratins shine a holographic lights and his facial structure had become much sharper. Sometimes his family would tease him about how they couldn’t recognise him anymore, he laughed along but couldn’t help the sinking feelings in his heart each time he heard the joke. What if… they truly couldn't recognise him? What good would fame do if people he cherished couldn’t remember him? Was it because he’s so different now that the one old friend he yearned for — The one who promised to follow their dream side by side with him — never come back?


“Orion, it’s time.” He heard the small voice of his manager calling, “Break a leg, Sapphire!” He also heard his crew wishing him luck. Orion smiled as he opened his eyes — pulling himself back to reality. He slowly got up and walked forward, the translucent cape flew behind him. Green eyes spot himself in a mirror for a split second before his confidence grows, he looks beautiful. After one deep breath, the tall figure was on the stage.


Dancing lights up above would be bright enough to be blinding. He greeted hundreds — maybe thousands — of the citizens of Capricorn-13 who roared back at him. The performer’s heart was beating hard within his chest like a caged bird determined to break itself out and soar the sky. Despite barely being able to see any face at all below the stage because of how dark the crowd is in contrast to where he stood, he felt them clearly. He felt the eyes that glued to his movements, the cheer that accompanied his booming voice as they sang along with him. He could feel their love that was spiraling out of control in the ecstasy of the performance.


He loves it.


What a blessing he could stand here, what miracle that Orion could be an inspiration to the many people who have a great time along with him down there. His lungs felt like rapturing in the best way possible but the symprite kept singing as he allowed his body to move along with the flow of the music. In that instant a little voice in his mind told him to open his eyes and look ahead, there was a magnetic energy that pulled him forward and his whole being was screaming — Begging him to follow it.  The spot light dimmed down right before the seafoam green eyes shot open along with the biggest smile, finally he could see the crowd with his own eyes. Amongst many people he could spot some familiar faces or fur patterns, but what caught his eyes was something sparkly. Something reflective got his attention, like ice that twinkles under the sun. Symprite with ice keratin wasn’t easy to come by, that’s why they stood out — not to mention their tall statue and an almost blinding white coat that was shimmering the same way Orion’s coat did. As his eyes met the blue crystalline irises of the other person, a sense of longing exploded within his chest. He didn’t know if he should know this person or not, they look unlike anyone the blue haired male ever met before, yet their presence still enticed Orion to smile. His lower lids curved up as the corner of his mouth curled — revealing his charming dimples — his biote also trashed around with excitement. The spotlight came back on at that moment, shining from right above him and emphasized his expression in an alluring way. Orion couldn’t recall who that symprite was, but they made his heart irrationally happy that his ribcage felt like rattling from its beating. They reminded him of the snow, of his halcyon childhood. They reminded him of Logan.


…Could it be? But the performer couldn’t entertain that thought for long, the whole number was about to be drawn to its conclusion and so he gave it his all. Singing into the roar of the crowd and giving them his most sincere performance before Star Sapphire would bow to his audience. Flowers and small shells got thrown up the stage, Orion was showered in adoration — And yet, his mind only got occupied with one question. Was it him? Was it Logan? But Logan in his memory was small and soft with a fluffy white coat and tiny horns that looked almost like a heart. How could a symprite with a massive antler and impressive body be his childhood friend? He kept wondering while he made his way backstage, nodding his head in thanks to Matcha who was one of the volunteers that helped operate the whole show. Orion had thought that maybe if he could catch them before the festival ended he could get to know them and see if they are the one he had been looking for, perhaps even dared to ask if the symprite remembered him…


“Ri!” He couldn’t get lost in mind for long, because someone called him.


“Ri! Was that you!?” Someone comfortable, like a cup of warm milk with dots of chocolate syrup on a cold winter day. Someone shining, like the blanket of snow on the front yard. Someone who was…


“...Logan?” Orion’s voice slipped out, it was hoarse after performing but still loud enough. He blinked quickly as if to make sure that the image in front of him isn’t but a trick of light. “You’re… here?” He asked softly. It seemed like after all this time, Orion was finally found.

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[moonchill] LOVESTRUCK PART2
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In Moonchill Festival ・ By DrenDraleigh
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Submitted By DrenDraleigh for Moonchill FestivalView Favorites
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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