[lunisolar] Konpeito

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By Fillix

Fireworks were painting the night sky. Blue sparkles, green flashes and red explosions everywhere. The smell of smoke and delicious food was spreading around like a wildfire. Music and clinking glasses, bustling voices and the sizzling sound of fish being cooked on a barbeque, it sounded great. It was the Lunisolar festival, celebrating the meteor showers and double eclipse of the year. Indicated by the moon and star themed decoration, the traditional wines and candies on tables free to grab.

However, Azelea stood outside it all, like a small wallflower trying to not be seen. She loved parties like these, the happiness of all the people around her filling her with a warm feeling. The large smiles, the laughs, the excited noises. She loved watching the other symprites dance to music, the thrumming of their feet moving the ground underneath her.

She loved it all, even if she wasn’t allowed to be part of it.

While absentmindedly munching away at a bag of comet candies that she managed to snag, she thought of one other person that probably never experienced an event like this.
The one person she only recently met, a crystal symp named Hadar. The lone-wolf Symp that lived in the Crystal caves just a small walk away from her hometown. Their initial meeting didn’t go exactly smooth, as she uninvitedly started to explore his cave. He came off as very defensive and even slightly violent, but she could feel something different when looking at him… something lonely.

While he made it very clear he probably didn’t want to see her again, she was determined to get closer to him and to bring a little bit of the party over to him. Just to make him experience a little bit of the wonder and happiness that she feels when celebrating an event like this.

She sneaks over to the food and grabs another bag of the comet candies and a bottle of Caprisol wine. Holding tightly onto her loot, she rushes away from the party. The trek towards the Crystal caves isn’t that long, as it’s close to the tidepools on the beach.
Finally arriving at the cave, she silently places the bag of candies and bottle of wine on a small rock in front of the cave. She gently makes a clinking noise against the glass to indicate that she’s there and swiftly steps away from the cave to not alarm the large crystal symp.

Gently, she sits down on the sand several feet away from the entrance of the cave. She holds her own bag of candies and starts munching on them while looking at the stars.
Alerted by a soft grunting noise from the cave, she looks over and sees Hadar. There he stands, with cautious eyes as if he’s ready to flee back at any moment. He quietly stares at her, his eyes hardened and uninviting.
She quietly gestures towards the candy and wine that stand on the stone right in front of him and smiles gently while popping another candy in her mouth. She then points up to the sky, gesturing towards the millions of stars that can be seen at this time of night. The sky was lit up a lot more than she’s ever seen before, each start shining more brilliant than the other.

It took a while of silence and standing still, until Hadar gently took the bag of candy and sat down right at the entrance of his cave. He curiously opened the bag and ate one, his eyes showing the slightest emotion of enjoyment. He glances at Azelea with a shine in his eyes, and she smiles back.

“Happy Lunisolar” she softly whispers, looking up once more to see the meteors shower down.


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[lunisolar] Konpeito
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In Lunisolar Festival ・ By Fillix
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Submitted By Fillix for Lunisolar Artifacts
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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