[petcare] The Adventures of Faelicity and Wary

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It was an early morning Faelicity had woken up with an oddly strange amount of energy They sprung out of bed. Their loose fur that had fallen during the night sprung everywhere and made a big mess. “Pffft- I'll clean that later, I'm going to gamble!” They ran out of their house, down through the snowy biome into the town. They looked like a flash of wind with their speed. Stumbling into the town to the roulette. They were worried there would be a line, but there was not. They ran up and pulled out a chocolate coin and stumbled over it inserting the coin. The roulette spun and spun. Whmmmmmmmmm The sound of the ball spinning only intensified the suspense. The friction slowed the ball down to a slow but eventual stop. “What did I get?” Faelicity said out loud to themself. Then, from the prize door walked a Fhiohn. Faelicity smiled and shouted out “AWWW, Well ain’t you the cutest little thing. Did I win you?” Faelicity looked around before assuming that they did. The Fhiohn almost looked a little confused but looked up to faelicity as its caregiver immediately. Faelicity would say, “Well I guess I think I'll name you….. Wary!” They then went to their knees and put both of their hands up to Wary. It put its nose up to Faelicity’s hand and sniffed for a second. Then cautiously and slowly rubbing its head up against their hand. Faelicity’s heart seemed to melt in their chest immediately. Faelicity would scoop up wary and hug them tightly to their chest. “Ohhhh I love you so much already!” Wary would squeak and nuzzle up to faelicity’s fluffy chest. Faelicity would carry Wary to a nearby pet store. Faelicity would buy the biggest, ripest mango they could find. They held it up and inspected it in the light. It would glow a bright orange and yellow, fuzzy and plump. Faelicity smiled at Wary, and Wary looked back with almost confusion. Faelicity scooped up Wary once more and carried them home. Wary would be looking around and squeaking and chirping as they looked around the environment. Taking in its surroundings. “We are almost to your new home!” Faelicity would say gleefully. Once inside Faelicity would put Wary on the floor. Finding a pair of bowls quickly. Filling one with a cool crystal clear water. The other with the mango sliced up. Faelicity would place them in front of Wary and sit down Criss cross applesauce in front of Wary, staring intently. Wary, still adjusting to the environment and scared, and somewhat cautious would watch Faelicity closely. “There you got little buddy! Eat up!” Wary would keep staring, eying the bowls. “Aww, come on little buddy I'm not that scary am i?” Faelicity would push the bowls closer to Wary. After a couple of minutes Wary would bow its head to drink some water from one of the bowls. “There, there, good little buddy!” Faelicity would reach out and try to pick up Wary again, Wary would get scared by the sudden movement and jump back. Faelicity would frown and say “Right, New pet, I have to let it adjust. Faelicity would get up to go elsewhere to let them adjust and Wary would follow and stare. Faelicity would turn out and look occasionally. “What do you want, little guy?” Kneeling down again to look at the autumn colored animal. Its fur is soft and it is small and adorable. This time faelicity would slowly reach out to Wary “Yes… Yes that's it…” Wary would allow itself to be picked up. Faelicity would bring Wary up to their head and nuzzle against it. It would chitter and look at Faelicity. “What changed? It doesn't matter, I'm just glad you warmed up to me little guy!” Faelicity would move back to grab the mango to save it for later, but the whole thing was gone. Faelicity would look at Wary shocked. “You did that!?” and Wary would let out a loud belch. “Jeez! I got myself a new Vacuum cleaner!” Faelicity would say, rubbing the little Fhionn’s head. Its head is warm.. Fluffy. It was so cute too. With its little face. It smelled so… Faelicity would turn their head away and cough. “You smell like BO little guy!” Wary would chitter, unable to understand words, but liking being talked to. Faelicity would rush to the bathroom with Wary Before turning on the water, Making it nice and warm. The water would continually splish and splash into the tub wubwubwubwub. “Bath time for you little guy!” Faelicity would try to insert Wary into the tub. It would fight back, not wanting its neat fluff to get wet. Faelicity would say assertively “No, You, Are, Going, IN!” Wary would hit the water with a splash and it would shake around and squeak angrily. Faelicity giggled to themself “Your such a wimp you cute little goober.” Wary would look back with an almost angry face. “It's not my fault you smell like fish!” Faelicity would rub some pet safe shampoo in their head. Already having some and had to go and buy it because they kept getting shampoo in their eyes and were starting to get embarrassed about it. Wary was dripping by now and it gave up trying to shake the wet off. Faelicity Would rub the shampoo into Wary’s fur. “There we go, being a good Fhiohn now” The bubbles forming in the tub would surround Wary. After rubbing in all of the shampoo Faelicity started to watch Wary. Wary would poke its nose at a bubble, and it would pop in its face. Faelicity would let out a hearty laugh. Har! Har! Har! Wary would look offended at the bubble. Then It realized the power it had and it started tromping around the tub. Murdering innocent bubbles. Faelicity would yell out “Raggghh!! A monster! It's going to kill us All….” Faelicity would slowly sink under the edge of the tub, hiding from Wary. It would stop playing around and start to whimper. Faelicity would jump up and Wary would look at them with astonishment. “Peekaboo!” Wary would chitter and squeak at Faelicity with excitement. Faelicity would throw some water over Wary’s head to get all of the soap and suds off of it. It would exhale angrily, once the water had drained and all the bubbles had been gone. Faelicity would pull Wary out of the tub. They would pull Wary up to their head and nuzzle them once more, before drying them off and bringing them out into the living room. Setting them down in the middle of it. “Oh you're gonna love this cutie!” Faelicity would say, looking over their shoulder at Wary. Wary would watch intently, Before chirping loudly when a red ball suddenly flew over Faelicities shoulder Wary. It would bounce off of Wary and Wary would chirp again. Faelicity would knock it around with their feet a little, then push it over to Wary. Wary would catch on and start to hit it around with its little legs. Then chasing it around and pushing it around the living room, so quickly  that Faelicity could not keep up. “Wow you're a fast one!” Faelicity would say gleefully, before Wary would slip on the ground and the ball would bounce away, under the couch. Wary would try to chase it under, then grab a hold of it and start to chew on it. Faelicity would giggle “Wish i could get under there, come out now! Let's do something else! Faelicity would say to the dark under the couch to Wary. Wary would not budge, still chewing on the ball, it would squeak as its rubber. “Pleaseeeee, don't leave me hanging out here! Faelicity would try to reach under to grab Wary or the ball, but the clearance of the couch to the floor was much too small. Faelicity’s forearms getting stuck halfway through. “Uh oh, I think we have a problem..” Faelicity would pull their arms out from under the couch, when they tried to push them further they would stop moving. Wary still chomping away at the ball. “Agggh! What should I do? I can’t take care of pets right! What am I supposed to do, I was never meant to be a pet owner! This thing is hiding from me and it’s stuck under the couch and I feel so..!” Faelicity would feel a bump up beside their leg, it was The ball, and Wary was sitting a short distance from it. Faelicity immediately forgot their terror and said “Awwww! How cute! You brought it to me! I knew you loved me!” Faelicity would say scooping up Wary and nuzzling them gently. “The day is just getting started though, let's go on an adventure!” Faelicity would proclaim. Faelicity would throw open the door and cold air would rush in. Wary would stare awkwardly. Having just got situated  with the new home, they did not know what the outside would entail. Faelicity would stare at Wary “Come on buddy! The great outdoors are waiting!” Wary would start to shiver from the cold air, and Faelicity would shut the door. “Ohh, right that's it! Wait right here!” Faelicity would say, seeming to have an idea. Faelicity would try to rip open a pillow somewhere in the house. Struggling and fighting, punching the pillow “Arggh! Rip open you stupid pillow!” Faelicity would lift it above their head and try to slam it on the ground, however it would get caught on one of their horns and rip open. Wary had been watching confused this whole time “Oh, that works too!” Faelicity said, giggling to themself. The pillow had been stuffed by their shedding hair, still colorful although! Faelicity would take an old bandana and attach all the fur to it. Running out of the room up to wary and shouting “Tuh dah!!!” Wary jumped around and chirped in excitement, having no clue what was going on. Faelicity would bend down and tie the bandana around Wary. It was like an ugly sweater. A very ugly sweater. Wary would claw at it and bite at it, confused about what was happening and trying to take it off, Faelicity would grab Wary and run outside with them. “Are you ready?!” Wary was no longer cold outside, and it realized this, stopping the pulling at this new winter poncho that was made for them. The outside was bright, there was snow everywhere and they were on a big hill, the ground hurt to look at, as the ground was so bright, but faelicity was used to it, as they were an arctic. The Snow formed around their feet, crunching and moving. Wary’s body was barely poking out of the snow. It liked how the snow felt and moved under them, so it flopped on its side and started rolling around its side. Chittering and chirping and having a blast. “Snow Symprites!” Faelicity would yell and flop on their back beside Wary, moving their arms and legs up and down in the cool snow, making an outline in the snow like they were wearing baggy clothing. They closed their eyes while making snow angels, as it was high noon and the sun was bright. Faelicity realized they could not hear Wary anymore, and got up to look around, to see a chirping and panicked Wary rolling down the hill in a ball of snow. “AHHH!! No, NO NO!” Faelicity would take off running after Wary. Eventually bending down and running on all fours, Being so panicked they ran faster than Wary was falling. They got in front of the snowball and tried to stop it with booths hands, putting both arms out. The snowball was soft, and shattered when it impacted them, covering them in a thick layer of snow. When the debris cleared Faelicity saw a shivering, Wary, safe in their grasp. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, you're okay?” Wary was giggling wildly and Faelicity nuzzled the cold Wary. Faelicity sighed and whipped some sweat off their forehead, just to remember that they were an arctic, and they had no sweat, wait, why did they even try? They did not care and carried Wary the rest of the way down the land Walking past winter’s hold and into the swamps, walking into morella, where Faelicity removed Wary’s coat and throwing it away, knowing it was ugly and probably going to get hot now that they were in the swamps. Faelicity put down Wary and Wary took in the surroundings. “If i'm honest, i’ve never been here before little buddy, so this is a real adventure now! Faelicity and Wary, Partners in crime!” they made a Pew Pew  Pew  sound with finger guns pointing towards the air. Wary echoed back a Chu Chu CHu Sound, Faelicity could not tell if it was a weird sneeze of Wary trying to imitate them. “Awww, your adorable Wary” Faelicity would say kindly and softly. They would study the nearby mushrooms, seeing a patch of many of them near a shaded place. One of them glowing a soft green, it almost looked tasty. One blue and purple, secreting a liquid and one fluffy looking mushroom. Wary would begin to walk up to them and poke them with their legs. “DON'T EAT THOSE” Faelicity would yell, running over and moving Wary out of the way. Studying the mushrooms. “I think most of these will kill someone!” Faelicity said. “I think One of these are safe…” Looking at the mushrooms intently. Wondering which to try, clearly have never taken a class on these, and not having the common sense to just walk past them. “I think… This one is safe?” Faelicity would say picking up the glowing mushroom, holding it up to Wary, Wary would back up from it. “So… Not this one.. Got it. It was so pretty though!” They would say, throwing it over their shoulder. Then grabbing the Wolf mushroom. “What about this one?” Faelicity would say turning around with it. Wary had started to wander off, so Faelicity ditched the mushroom and walked after Faelicity. “Where are you going buddy?” Wary would chitter and chirp back at Faelicity, imitating how Symprites talk.. Suddenly they would tumble upon a massive pile of blue mushrooms, Faelicity would walk up interested before seeing an eye poke up when they reached out for a mushroom. The creature they were attached to Sprung up and hissed, in fact, many of them did and Faelicity screamed, grabbing Wary and running. Not looking back. The creatures went back to sleep. Faelicity ran so long, worried about Wary that they eventually got to the beach before stopping. Huffing and puffing Faelicity Sat down and held Wary closely hugging on them. “That was so scary Wary! What if those things bite!” Wary and nuzzled against Faelicity and they would lay on the beach for a bit, eventually faelicity realized. “Wow, it is HOT out here.” they would say, before putting down Wary. “It has been a while..” Wary Got excited and started running around the beach, throwing around sand like confetti getting their fur all dirt. “NOOOOO I just washed youuu.” Faelicity would say, sounding a little distraught, then deciding to enjoy the beach. Laying with the soft gritty sand under them, it got in all of their fur. The sand was cool compared to the beach. “Mhhh, This feels so calm..ING!!!” Faelicity would say, springing out from the sand as they had felt a sudden pinch. Wary watched and chirped and giggled. Faelicity had laid on a hermit crab shell and it pinched Them.”YEOWCH!” Faelicity said running around for a bit before stopping.”Owieeee” Wary would walk over and nuzzle against Faelicy’s legs, faelicity would reach down and run their hands through Wary’s soft fur. “Much better, thanks little buddy.” Faelicity would look around and see a large beach ball sitting over in the distance. “OOh, Ooh! Another ball, just like your favorite one!” Faelicity would run up to it and smack it with their tail towards Wary, Wary would run up to it and headbutt it, it would go flying out to sea. “Wowie your strong little guy! Faelicity would say. “Let's go get it!” Faelicity said getting into the water. Wary Went up to the shoreline shivering, as it could not swim and was scared of the water. Faelicity would look back at Wary confused. “What’s so wrong, little buddy, it's just a litl.. Er.. Alot of water!” Faelicity would think for a second and Wary would chirp at them “Oh right! You don't  have gills, or a tail that is all swimmy like.. Right..” Faelicity would think for a second before coming up onto the beach and grabbing Wary and laying on their back and placing Wary on their stomach. “How about this..” Faelicity would slowly push out to sea, keeping the limbs out in all directions to float on their back, paddling with their tail. Wary Shivered but Faelicity just worked to console them. “It's okay little buddy, You're gonna be alright.” talking in a sweet, soft voice, occasionally reaching up to pet Wary. Once they got to the ball, Faelicity pushed it back, still swimming on their back pushing with their head. Once they reached the beach Faelicity yelled “LAND HO!” Wary quickly climbed off of their chest onto the beach. The ball rolled around on the beach again. Wary looked at Faelicity, then looked back in the direction of home. “Oh you wanna go home little buddy? That's fine, it's getting late anyway.” Faelicity would say, the sun setting behind them. Faelicity would pick up Wary, beginning to walk back, avoiding the swamp and especially morella. When they got back past Winter’s Hold Faelicity held Wary tightly to their warm chest fluff. Once they got home Faelicity placed Wary on the ground. Faelicity would say “Dang Wary, i really am Yawns Tired. That was really a trip.”  Faelicity would put more fruit in Wary’s food bowl and then trudge over to the couch. “I'm just going to rest for a little while.” This short relaxation on the couch quickly turned to being knocked out sleeping. Wary Overwhelmed and even more tired, Faelicity from the day Curled up beside the couch and Slept beside Faelicity.


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[petcare] The Adventures of Faelicity and Wary
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In Writing Only Prompts ・ By Droplee

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Submitted By Droplee for Pet Bonding Time ✧ Writing OnlyView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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