[petcare] Bush or Pet?

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    I would be lying if I say that today it was supposed to be a good day for me at the mangrove... I should be at home, with a cup of strawberry wine in my hands reading one of Akai's book on how to treat a sheeple because honestly there's nothing better to do in week days other than go out, treasure hunting, eating...where was I?

   Anyways I was out of eels, I'm craving them today so I had to go to the mangrove to catch some... what? Don't look at me like that, they are tasty wen you know how to cook them.

   So in my journey to the mangrove I went, so much ..swamp water, I was hoping I wasn't entering some swamp symp territory here since this paths look exactly the same, which I can already feel I will go back home late.

   While I was in the Grove I was able to catch some eels, I probably fell over 10 times because this things just dart away from me! Once I was able to catch enough I just needed a small rest so I sat in a bush...or what I thought It was a bush cause I just felt like it push me off into the water.

   I had to thank this mysterious prankster for making me lose my eels!! But.. wen I look ...that wasn't a bush, it looked like some kind of...long rabbit ,they were very timid and I could..hear whining, I had accidentally hurt their little leg, I kinda forgot about the eels by now so I gently took this little creature with me to atleast take care of their little leg...and by me I mean Rocher cause she is a vet after all, she knows better about creatures than me.

   After treating the odd creature, I was quick to learn that they are called ourobos, I never heard of that before but guess there's a time for everything, anyways she said their leg will be healed in a week and a half so I took the little thing into my house...they look like a portable plant.

  This thing was very shy...they didn't wanted to eat at first or drink water, I was following Rocher's instructions, maybe they were scared of me for what happen. I tried to apologize? I don't know if creatures  like this can even understand what the heck I'am saying but I had to try.

   Somehow...I was getting worried, a little too worried. I took them back to Rocher the next day and ...they eat from her hand, I was frustrated but... maybe I wasn't being the best at showing this creature the same level of kindness Rocher was.

  Animals can sense others's emotions, sometimes wen you help them, they will remember and they will always be grateful" that's what Rocher said... I guess I can give it another go.

  On the third day they were still timid, I follow Rocher's instructions for a healthy meal and I sat a bit far cause each time I tried to get closer they would move away, so I sat there, they just looked at me , I don't know if that was curiosity or...fear? "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you back then...I didn't realize you was there and instead I confused you with a plant.." I had no idea where did that came from but... I was surprised..surprised that they actually came closer and eat their food, I was excited for some reason, but the best part...is that things actually got better.

  They had alot of fur, and alot of it was tangled, I never owned a pet other than the family Alligawper so I..stole Akai's animal shampoos and other stuffs..what? I'll repay him later like I told him.  I shower them, brush them and they seem to have a really good time...I mean I was also having a good time, their paw started to heal , they were walking better and even running around! ...I was growing fond of them...this place felt less alone now and more alive.

  After some days more, they were completely healed...looks like it was time for me to release them back Into their nature, so I went back to the mangrove, hopefully exactly where I left them...but wen I tried to leave..they just run after me...I can't deny it... I was fond of this creature...and I knew leaving them here could be the worse mistake of my life...because I never felt such connection like the one I'm feeling right now. Maybe I can try again...but this time..maybe I can make it last till the very end.

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[petcare] Bush or Pet?
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In Writing Only Prompts ・ By CentiPhantomhive
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Submitted By CentiPhantomhive for Pet Bonding Time ✧ Writing Only
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[[petcare] Bush or Pet? by CentiPhantomhive (Literature)](https://symprites.com/gallery/view/3839)


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