[petdesign] Snurtle
These little guys can commonly be found in any body of water or the land surrounding said body of water. They are known to gather in large clusters when food is bountiful and disperse when things become scarce. These creatures are easy going and are very food modivated but do have a nasty bite for when it's needed. During the colder seasons these creature will be harder to find as they'll burrow into the ground/sand and hibernate in their shells till the weater warms enough to their liking. Snurtles make for fantastic pets as they're easy to care for and will actively inteact with their owners.
- Can live in or out of water
- Neck is very long and very stretchy
- Comes in various different sizes, even extra large
- Colors are dependent on their diet
- Front and back of the shell is the only opening they have. (For their head and tail)
- They drag themselves around like turtles do and their bodies have the same consistency of snails.
- They commonly move at a leisurely pace but are capable of quick burts of speed when needed.
Submitted By CryptidCreature
for Design a Pet?!
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Submitted: 5 months ago ・
Last Updated: 5 months ago