[meteor : Gift] Beautiful Stars [ Meteor Shower Entry ]

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It was a normal day for Gabriel, as part of the Toon Capricorn of the place, he with the rest is responsible for the administration of the island, how many people and toons live, buildings, and everything in general, is always a hard job due is always have to be updated and checking, always paperwork have to move out and move in and remove or erase, this kind of works can be too chaotic when events or big Accidents happen, doing a lot of extra work, and mostly in each year at the end of the year have to check all the information over and over again not to make any mistakes, its indeed hard can become anyone crazier, or already be crazier

Grabiel was working as usual, giving orders, checking the other members about what they doing, working, and organizing, this man worked all day and almost all night, in this night he was already doing "Last checking", nights are mostly calm due to most of the island go to sleep, still there still a lot of works still working on and people going around the island, you never know what will happen in each night to make everything change and be registered, is a pain really, but Gabriel is used to it, was already alone, talking to his own while checking his clipboard with everything in it, when he horns shake a little, a small sense of something in this night will be different, and he was not wrong, at least was not a bad surprised

Bebe was a "friend" he had met some time ago, was an accident really, when Bebe arrived on the island, was for sure, she did not belong there, she was not a toon creature made of only ink, she was her own thing, was already alarming when a lot of humans and toons saw her, good thing the Capricorns got her in time to keep her secret, Gabriel was the one decide to interrogate Bebe and do a lot of questions of where she from, who is she and why is here, but in the end Bebe appear on this world was for accident in one of her adventures, it was for Gabriel and the rest of Capricorn believe her, but she have show is someone to trust and don't want to cause problems, in the end help her to bring her back to her world, since that day, Bebe and Gabriel become "friend" due how Bebe help him to bring her back home as well be nice to her without being a threat as something to be kill, Gabriel was just doing work so he dint mostly care about Bebe, he just was doing was he was going to do, since then Bebe sometimes visit Gabriel and talk to him about her world and do some friendship gift! Gabriel mostly acts rude, but very inside he really appreciate.

As Bebe waves and approaches Gabriel, he is not feeling to get distractions today, Soon Bebe is next to him and shows signs of excitement "Is nice to see you again! how have you been?" She asks, "Oh you know, work as always" Gabriel says a sign of annoyance and continues to check his clipboard, "Well! I have good news for you! This night will be a Meteor Shower in my world! and I would like to invite you! I am always in your world, so it would be nice if you were in my world and met how is it there!" Bebe says, Gabriel looked at her at the invitation, he was a little frozen, no one had invited him to something before, not even the other Capiworks he worked with, very inside this meant a lot to him, but he quickly removed his feelings about it, he thinks he not allowed to feel or have free time, after all, he was created to work in here, he not allowed to have does "feelings" and a life, right? he what he thinks and soon talk with Bebe, "Im sorry Bebe, I appreciate your invitation but there a lot of work to do, I cant just stop and see some stars" says Gabriel with his normal rude attitude, Bebe look sad and talks back "But Gabriel, is always, when I always go to your work you always busy, and busy, and busy, I understand your work is so important, but you never rest! literally is night! you should even already finish working! you could get sick, or worse if you continue like this" says Bebe with a tone of worry, "I can't die you know?" Gabriel answered back no really caring about himself, "I know, you not die as an organic creature does but, still, this can be too bad for you" Says Bebe, Gabriel this time dint answer and continued working, making Bebe have not choice, "Look, I know you don't want it, but I think is the best for you to take rest, and this is the best opportunities for it" Says Bebe, as she takes Gabriel arm by surprised and takes him in her world

As both arrive at Bebe World, they are on a big hill, there is no nature around and no clouds in the night sky, so was the perfect place to watch the falling stars, Gabriel was piss off, already yelling at her and hitting the floor with his hoof leg, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I ALREADY SAY IM FINE! YOU HAVE TO BRING ME BACK NOW!" Demands Gabriel as continues to yell to Bebe, soon two more approach them, "Well well who is the little guy? Looks adorable grumpy" Says one, Making Gabriel look at where the voice is coming from, not really in the mood to be called "adorable", he hates when is treated like a child or someone young, "Excuse me, but I not-" Gabriel stop talking, already having a yellow blush on his face when he saw who was the voice

"Gabriel I present to you Xiu-li and Xerthalin!" Says Bebe, presenting to Gabriel the two girls, Gabriel didnt answer back, he was shook of the beauty of these two girls, one is so elegant and tall, and the other so thick, Gabriel was blushing and already sweating ink like crazy, he was not close to a girl before, not like this beauty, his shake his head to calm down, falling ink on the floor, and fix his throat, "S-sorry, is nice to meet you two, but i should head up back to work" Says, his voice was serious but no rude, was mostly with good manners, "Oh? work? this hour?" Ask Xiu-li, surprised someone like Gabriel is still working at this hour, "Y-Yea, is an important work" Says Gabriel, adding "Sorry, but I don't have much time for just talk or watch the stars", Bebe soon talks "yes you have! you work so much Gabriel and you deserve a rest right here and right now, just you just take like, some minutes, an hour of resting will not something bad happen", Gabriel was not happy with Bebe to insist more and more, he try to keep his cool down due he not want to the other girls see him lose his cool, "I appreciate Bebe, but again i cant take rest and i should back to work now..." Gabriel says, they two continue to talk for a long time about it, Xiu-li and Xerthalin look at each other, knowing this conversation will go nowhere, Xerthalin nods at Xiu-li and she approaches a little more at Gabriel, "Gabriel" Xui-li at Gabriel, Gabriel shivers due the call, already blushing again and slightly shaking, looking at Xui-li, "Gabriel, I don't know you much about you, but as far I can see you, I can see you a very workman, I can admire you for that, all your effort and determination, but overwork yourself is not good for you either, Bebe is right, and you should take this rest and just relax for you own good" Says Xui-li, Gabriel look at Xui-li, he wants to say no, but he feels don't have many options, he sighs, and look at Xui-li "A-Alright...." Says Gabriel, adding "I will stay to watch the falling stars..."

Xerthalin approaches at Gabriel and pats his shoulders, Gabriel blushes and shivers because he didnt expect that, "With all that settled down, now is time to watch the stars, darling" says Xerthalin with a motherly smile, soon everyone sits on the ground, ready to expect the meteor shower, Gabriel was looking at the sky, was still worried about his work and how the church will think about him not working, at first nothing happens, every second make Gabriel more worried, but soon, the meteor shower begun, it was a beautiful show, everyone react in a different way but most of them were amazed, Gabriel was amazed too, it was the first time he saw a meteor shower, he mostly never got out of his work, if work required him to do so, so watching the meteor shower amazed him, he wanted to convince himself about these feelings were not correct, he was not allowed to feel, but, as time pass, he feels....relaxed, so calm inside, almost sleepy, while his eyes watch the "starry sky falling" show, he was hypnotized! oh finally, the resting he always deserved.

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[meteor : Gift] Beautiful Stars [ Meteor Shower Entry ]
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In Lunisolar Festival ・ By Dailet-Creation

Gabriel was normally working as always he does in his life, unexpectedly a visit arrived at him! his night will completely change out of what he was planned to do

Submitted By Dailet-Creation for Meteor ShowerView Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

consteloly: Gift For
Winelys11: Gift For
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