[preppy] Double the fun !

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As the weather got colder, the town was filled with many little and big chattering noises in the afternoon. Two symprites just came back from their foraging adventure in the mangrove. Lazuli, the purple and light blue swamp srymprite gazed upon the town, and her curiosity grew by the strange scene, maybe she was concerned that they were in the mangrove for too long.


“ Vira, what’s going on in the town? “

She asked her light purple friend with bull horns and a red choker necklace, the other girl was dragging a bag full of wild forage they both found just a moment ago. She shook her body to get the leaves, sticks, and even some good amount of goop out of her body.


“ A-a party maybe? There is so much sound coming out of it “

Vira answered, she sounded breathless after dragging the heavy goods and the clear-up shake. She then slowly pulled her head up to take a good look but they were still very far from the town. 


“ I think we should go there you know? We found many good forages today, we could get lots of bags of gold with these and we can even go shopping after! “

The light purple symprite said with excitement in her voice, her eyes were sparkling, and her biote was wagging. Lazuli nodded almost immediately, she took a quick peek inside the bag again, a group of the flicker frogs was screaming and jumping in the big brown bag, there was some crunchy seaweed too, for both girls, these were enough and they were delighted with their hard work.

Little hooves walked around the town, they both took in the scenery, as they finally spotted a store where they could make some gold out of their finds. The trade went by not so smoothly, the sound of haggling could be heard outside the store, but fortunately, the girls made some fortune. 

“ Now that we have some gold, should we go to the center of the town? I think we can do a little shopping with there “

Lazuli asked with a big smile, she pointed up north where the center of town was as she shook the bags of silver and gold, maybe a bit of diamond. Her friend looked in the direction, she nodded, and they both made their way to their destination.

The sound of cheering was getting louder, and there they saw so many symprites and aramelles with stuff they all were carrying, they looked busy. Lazuli’s blue eyes looked up, she saw a big banner, it said “ BREW BASH “. Maybe it was the name of the event or the party? The girls had zero idea of what was going on, they tried to ask someone hoping to find an explanation but everyone looked busy with their own stuff…then they felt a little crash behind both of them

“ OUCH !!! “

The mysterious figure yelled, but that wasn’t a stranger, it was Eden! They quickly helped the pale pink symprite, and apologized as they helped her get up. The girl looked worried as they were hoping that Eden wouldn’t get hurt.


“ It’s fine girls! Accidents happened, it’s normal “

She said with a little laugh, she patted the dust and dirt off her body and her arms started to lift up the heavy box again.


“ Oh that box looks heavy! Please let me help you carry it, at least that’s what we could do for you “

Lazuli passed all those bags of money to Vira, she then reached out to that big box and took it from Eden, then the older symprite gave her a smile. 


“ Thank you! We’re not that far from where I’m heading, let’s get going! “

Then the three started walking deeper into the center of the town, there they found many store owners setting up their decorations with tasty foods and drinks as their main highlights. They also saw aramelles with strange horns and tails. 


“ Uhhh Eden, can we ask you a question? what’s a Brew Bash? Is it some kind of a party that you all are setting up right now? “

Vira finally asked her with a small voice, she still gazed around the town with lights in her eyes, everything looked lively and full of colors. She even noticed some groups dragging their instruments to the spot. 


“ Yes, it is! The brew bash is a really big party hosted by the Jousei aramelles that you can find them around the town, here you can also find all sorts of drinks as they’re showcasing their best product and they all have been working hard for the party all around Capricorn-13. I believe some of symprites are looking forward to this huge party because we all can gather around for the big feast with the best beverages with families and friends! My recommendations for the brews are prismroot wines and strong craftsman's holly spirits, I heard many of us like those and it has been the best sellers in my store. “


“ Wow! That sounds so wonderful, now I can’t wait to get my hands on those refreshing drinks and the food makes me hungry already “

The ocean symprite sounded thrilled from what she heard, a large party with food and drinks? It will be a shame to miss that! Her mouth started to water with thoughts of those wonderful scenes. The three shared a small conversation for a while before they finally stopped at a little wooden hut, it looked old but cozy in a way. Lazuli put the box on the counter and both girls helped Eden with setting up the shop. Time passed by so fast, from the light of noon to the windy evening, and all three of them stepped back to admire all their hard work. 


The hut was now lit up by beautiful light bulbs with Vira's help, decorated with ornate floras from Lazuli’s secret skills, and now it was ready to welcome any symprite or aramelles who were thirsting for some refreshing brews. Eden quickly went back behind the counter and picked up two tall wooden cups before filling them with the special drinks.


“ Here you go, girls! It’s on the house! Thank you so much for helping me set up the shop, I would have been late if it wasn’t for you guys and it looks so lovely now with your help “

She said as she happily handed the cups to them, the pale pink symprite said that the drink was sweet pecharin ciders, another well-known among the party.


“ It’s no problem! And thank you so much for the drinks, they look amazing!! “

Lazuli said with gratitude, two friends waved Eden farewell before they walked away. Her little nose took some time to sniff the sweet and beautiful scent from the cup as her light purple friend gulped the drink in just one motion, she let out a satisfied yelp as a sound of approval. 


“ This drink is so good, Lazuli!! I can’t believe I finished it all in one drink, let’s go find more of these brews! “

Vira laughed as she suggested to her friend the plan for tonight, Lazuli nodded with a big smile before she gulped everything. She was surprised by its taste, and it tasted as wonderful as what her friend said! The girls giggled for a while before they slowly made their way into another part of the town where the party was being thrown right now.

The Brew Bash in this town was amazing, the music and the smell of food were in the air and there were some stores that were open for a little game where you could even win a prize from them. Two friends took in the scenery with sips of drinks and lots of yummy snacks to feast on the way. They walked around enjoying the moment before they stopped at a big stage. It caught their attention, it was like a talent show where anyone would compete for the sound of cheering, the girls joined the crowd, screaming and cheering for the best participants. 

Then, it was when the moon was at its highest point of the night, Lazuli and Vira took a break from walking around at a little bar, the place was cozy and not as crazy as the outside, it smelled kind of like home and the soft smell of brews filled the area. There were not many symprites in this bar, so it felt quite right to spend time here. They sat and had a small conversation about how much they had had. But then something was on the swamp symprite’s mind.


“ Do you think we should have another party outside the town? Like, we could buy the stuff from the town and have another party like Brew Bash for ourselves?? “

She suggested, her voice sounded very energetic even if it was midnight. Vira took some time to think, she pressed her brows but later nodded with a determined face.  


“ A party for ourselves? Yeah!! Let’s do it then, we worked very hard today. Y’know those flicker frogs were super HARD to catch so we actually deserve some girl’s night together! “

The girls laughed as the store owner came up to them, it was Karma with a wily smile.


“ So..I heard you girls are looking for party supplies…You know, my store doesn’t sell only brews, I also happened to have some floaties back in the storage that I couldn’t sell during the summer so I could sell those to you girls for half a price…doesn’t that sound interesting?? “


“ Hmmmm ow much would that be then? “

Lazuri leaned in with a serious face. And so another bargain began, the girls haggled as Karma did her best to not run out of the business. It was going on for a while before Karma gave in. 


Ok! OK! Alright, you win, have them for 2 golds each! I’m not going lower than this geeezz  “

The girls accepted the trade immediately, they giggled as they drank another round to celebrate their little victory while Karma went back to get the goods.


“ But wait..why do you need floaties for a party anyway? “

Vira suddenly asked after they received the pink and white floaties, this also made Lazuli feel stunned a little as if something caught up to them. Safe to say that they might have gotten a bit carried away with the drinks tonight. 


“ Well, you could go to the cavern, it must be quiet now considering that most symprties are in the town right now, you girls could have all that place to yourself! But the cave water will be pretty cold though, almost winter anyhow “

Karma suggested while she cleaned the table with a small white cloth.  


“ Like a pool party? That sounds good already, thank you, Karma!! “

With the idea in mind, they both waved her goodbye before they exited the bar. Now they were carrying the floaties around the town. They still needed more supplies, the floats were not enough if they were going to throw a pool party. Brews and food were a must, so they went back to see Eden. Surprisingly, her store was still open at that time.


“ Oh! Hey, girls! Are you guys back for another round? Oh! And I would like to say that you really helped my store look amazing tonight, many customers liked it so much!! “

She asked with a gentle smile on her face. Her cozy store was still in the same shape that they left.


“ No! We’re actually wondering if you sell a bottle of sweet pecharin cider? And maybe some other drinks too? We don’t know how many bottles you have left so any amount would be alright! “

Vira asked while she counted the money that was in the bag that felt lighter from the afternoon. 


“ Yes, I do! I also have a bottle of both sour tcharry and prismroot wines left. I can give you a discount since I’m almost closing the store for the night “


“ Really? Thank you so much! I actually realized that we are on a budget “

They both thanked Eden for her kindness, Lazuli took all the shiny bottles and put them in her bag. Now they only needed the delicious food and some trays that could float on the water. 


They walked around the town but it was nowhere to be found. No doubt that it was exhausting as they carried lots of supplies and most of the store was closed. The girls almost gave up until they saw one store that was still open, the owner was an aramelle, Matcha! 

“ Two floating trays? Oh yeah, I have them! Well, my store has almost everything for every type of party! You guys want just these? “


“ Yeah! You’re actually our party saver because most of the stores are either closed or don’t have these “

Lazuli said with a frowny face when she thought back to the little tiring journey they had to take before they got to Match’s store. The green aramelle giggled before handing them the trays in exchange for some gold that they had left.

The two friends finally gathered everything that they needed for the party, now they had to make their way to the closet cavern half drunk from all the drinks that they had while partying in town like wild creatures and from haggling. But before they could get out of the town, they met a young brown symprtie not far from Matcha’s store with a necklace that was made out of thorny vine and a tooth. When they walked closer, he appeared to be their friend, Copper!

“ Oh! Hi, Copper!! Are you going somewhere this late? “

Vira greeted him with a cheerful voice while she was carrying so many party supplies, from the look of it, maybe Copper should be the one who asked that question. Even so, he greeted them both back cheerily with a big smile, and in his hands and bags, there were a good amount of colorful fruits and fresh flora. 


“ Hello, Vira! I’m heading home after buying some groceries you see, it’s getting colder now and I want to enjoy all of these fruits and flora before they go out of season. Finding them in Winter will cost me a fortune and I’m buying a lot of these for my friends too! An after party breakfast with these will taste super yummy “

He slowly showed the girls what he bought, some of them were strange and caught both of them in awe. The moment passed, Lazuli then looked up at his face as she invited him to the pool party.


“ Copper, do you want to go to our party with us? It’ll be in a cave and it’ll feel like a pool party! Here we have bought all the things that we need already, it’ll be super fun!! “


“ Yes! Imagine that we have a big pool to ourselves, with delicious foods and refreshing brews, sounds delightful isn’t it?l “

The brown ocean symprite took a bit to think about the second party but unfortunately, he shook his head. He gave a timid smile before explaining. 


“ I think I had enough fun tonight, plus it kinda feels like a girl's night, so you guys should go ahead and enjoy it! Maybe next time I’ll join you guys, it’s also getting late, and I need to put these tasty groceries away  “


“ Awwww alright then, I will make sure to invite you next time, goodnight, Copper! Be safe while you’re going home!“

That made both of the girls feel a little sad, but they respected his answer and tried not to be pushy. The three waved each other goodbye as they headed separate ways. As they journeyed out of the town. They went up a large bridge, next, the path to the caverns was dark, Vira lit up her lamp as they slowly walked through the woods, the woods at night were indeed quiet, there might be some noise of the night creatures signing but it was nice. 

Finally, they made it to one of the caverns, moonbugs flowed around to welcome them to the cavern, and they must be surprised to see someone there. The girls carefully walked inside, they passed some questioning turns, hoping they didn’t get lost on the way back or maybe they could crash into the cavern. 

They slowly walked deeper past the cold stone wall and finally found the perfect spot for their second party, Vira carefully set up the trays, full of good-looking foods and beautiful bottles from Eden’s store. Lazulit then prepared the floaties and she also pulled out their sleeping bags in case they would be too wasted to get out and have some kind of a sleepover here didn’t sound that bad. As they were done, the ocean symprite put the food and drink trays down in the water with extra care, so they wouldn’t fall into the clear running water. 


As the setup looked good enough, Lazuli was the first to jump in, the water was nice, maybe a bit too cold but it was sparkling, and shimmering. Vira then tired to jump to one of the floaties but she missed it, she then quickly swam to the nearest one and she got on it safely. The water felt nice for her as she went into the dirt so many times while they were on their foraging trip. The girls poured the drinks from the bottles, at that point they did not really care which one they wanted to drink first, but as for Vira, she was thinking of drinking the brew out of the bottle itself. They had fun splashing water, and tried their best not to drop any drinks or foods in the water. But the smell of yummy foods must have attracted sneaky friends, well, they both did not notice that some portion of the food went missing. 

The after-party from the Brew Bash party went quite well. It was both, relaxing and fun at the time even, they got to talk more about their personal life, and how their future friendship would be and this also made it feel like their bonds were stronger. The girls even started to plan the next party that they’ll Copper next time too, felt like at that time they would be prepared and not running around the town to find supplies at the last minute. A party in the cold winter, surrounded by the white snow and drinks that make your body feel warm. Just thinking about made it feel even better already…

( the google doc said it's 3.1k so I hope it's alright, also not good English thing AHHGGFSDD )

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[preppy] Double the fun !
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In Writing Only Prompts ・ By immilknahap

was inspired by me and my friend's works!

Submitted By immilknahap for Brew Bash Prep ✧ Writing Only
Submitted: 1 day agoLast Updated: 1 day ago

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