[spookies : Gift] SCARY BABY

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What could be more beautiful than scary stories before the festival arrives that will ignite the desire for celebration? Kalorias wanted to dive deeper, to have an atmospheric evening with her friends. Choosing a special day when the night was dark and quite powerful, the girl decided to prepare in a special way. Finishing her preparations, she hurried home to put on a suitable look for herself. After twirling at the mirror and making herself look like a confident, fearsome lady, Kaloria hurried to the meeting. 


Gathering together, her dear companions saw the wrong girl who had called them to spend the evening. The mysterious gaze from under the hood was literally hypnotising, as if penetrating into the very soul. They saw a mighty witch with a basket of goodies, threatening to turn them all into toads if they didn't hurry to the venue. Her image was imbued with an air of otherworldly power and magical authority. It seemed that with a wave of her hand, darkness would envelope everything around her and the earth would shake with sorcerous spells. Unknown, frightening, but at the same time attractive - that was the young witch. Further their way lay into the forest, not far, but enough to frighten the poor souls. 


The darkness enveloped everything around them like a heavy black blanket. No moon, no stars in the sky - just absolute, ominous darkness. Not a single glimmer of light broke the gloomy hopelessness of the night. The impenetrable blackness was everywhere, overwhelming and frightening in its impenetrability. Nothing could be seen, not even in front of his nose - only shapeless shadows merged together, dissolving into the darkness. Not a single sound broke the oppressive silence of the night. Everything froze in a deafening silence, as if the whole world had fallen into a heavy sleep. Only occasionally a leaf would rustle lightly, falling into the endless blackness. It seemed as if you were lost in the darkness of the infinite cosmos, devoid of support and reference points. The darkness of the night was so deep and impenetrable that it began to seem material, enveloping, suffocating. But was this darkness so terrible?


Deftly stacking the dry branches and wood chips she had prepared beforehand, the girl began to carefully fan the first flames. The cosy crackle of the fire filled the air, warming the friends gathered around. The girl carefully placed new logs, making sure that the fire didn't grow too large, but at the same time brightly illuminated the faces of those seated. 


The dancing glow of the fire reflected in the eyes of the listeners, creating a mysterious atmosphere. The girl slowly passed her hand over the fire, as if magically summoning mysterious forces from its depths, though in fact she just wanted to feel the warmth of those caressing tongues. The gaze of the girl who had started this meeting travelled over the illuminated faces in the circle. 


An elderly man settled comfortably in the circle, enigmatically passing his eyes over the familiar ones, as if he were the central figure in this evening. Suspicious, quiet, waiting to be attacked. It kept the right atmosphere perfectly, the others were already starting to believe that this evening was clearly something dark and special. Vesel'chack was enjoying this mood, extremely excited for the scarecrows to begin. 


The other girls, seated next to each other, watched the campfire intently. While one had a focused but slight frown on her face, the other showed genuine curiosity, almost childlike awe. Kifa may have shown herself to be a woman uninterested in this, but there was a premonition in her mind that this was going to be a good evening. In a way the woman liked this enthusiasm for the preparations. While Eutectika's eyes flew back and forth to the faces of those she knew, searching for similar emotions in them. This darkness around, the silence and the frightening preparations alarmed her, making her tense her whole body to focus on future stories. 


Hitoshi, on the other hand, folded his head on his bent and tucked knees and watched the preparations carefully as well, occasionally glancing back into the impenetrable darkness of the forest. A slight huff passed from the woman beside him, brought on by wariness of Kaloria's shenanigans, who looked as if she were preparing to simply boil them in a cauldron and eat them at the end of the stories. The girl certainly liked that she saw all the friends in their own way, but clearly getting into the atmosphere that had been created. 


Kaloria: Well, friends, are you ready for an exciting story? I've got something really scary in store for you today.

The witch whispered mysteriously and darkly, smilingly placing a basket of goodies in front of her friends. The first words around the campfire were at once intended to intrigue and Eutectika was clearly impressed by this. She looked inside the basket that appeared before them, smiling mischievously. All sorts of goodies were spread inside - flavoured cakes, candies, juicy fruits and other delicacies.


Eutectika: Mmm, it's a treasure!

She exclaimed, rubbing her hands together in anticipation. The girl cautiously peered into the basket, as if trying on what to pick out. Then her eyes lit up and she quickly grabbed a small biscuit, bringing it up to her face.


Eutectika: Ha, gotcha!

She laughed, playfully wiggling the biscuit in front of her. Breaking off a piece, the girl sent it into her mouth, covering her eyes contentedly and savouring the taste. Then she reached for the basket again, this time pulling out a juicy apple mousse in a small jar. 


Eutectika: "Wow, who do we have here?" 

She lifted the jar as if speaking to it. Deftly unscrewing the lid, the girl scooped up some of the mousse with her finger and sent it into her mouth, smiling contentedly. Continuing her Vesel'chack manipulations with the basket, the girl took out one tidbit after another, giggling or shrieking with delight. A veritable feast of sweets unfolded before her, which she savoured with great pleasure. Kaloria seemed more interested in the basket than in the scary stories. Clearing her throat, she drew her attention back to it, to which Eutectika laughed awkwardly.


Eutectika: Oh! I mean! Hopefully the stories won't be too scary...


Laughing and shaking her head, Kaloria continuing to shine with her theatre skills continued in a mysterious tone. 

Kaloria: Oh, I can't promise anything. This story has the power to truly chill the blood. I've heard even the staunchest of warriors couldn't sleep after something like that. 


Hitoshi fell out of his closed posture, just as Eutetika showed interest in the basket, he reacted excitedly to the witch's words. Leaning closer to Kaloria and asking worriedly. 

Hitoshi: Wow, is it really that creepy? How about you tell me something a little more cheerful today after all? It's not like I'm scared!!!


The girl smiled enigmatically and crossed her arms over her chest.

Kaloria: No, no, we'll always have fun. Now it's time to tickle some nerves. I assure you will remember this story for a long time.


The Vesel'chack hummed merrily, deciding to keep the dialogue on track and make some jokes. 

Vesel'chack: Well, since you're so descriptive, I think we're ready to dive into the atmosphere of horror. Just make sure you don't overdo it, or we'll all scatter.


The girl whispered meaningfully.

Kaloria: I promise I'll do it. But first... 

The witch tossed a few dry grasses into the fire, making the flames sparkle.

Kaloria: That's it, now we have the right setting for spooky stuff. The night is dark, the birds are silent, is everyone ready? Then listen carefully...


She leaned closer and began her story, occasionally tossing dry blades of grass into the fire, which gave off bright sparks. 


Kaloria: "It was a dark and stormy night. Little Emily was home alone, waiting for her parents to return from their night out. The wind howled and rain pattered against the windows, casting eerie shadows across the walls." 


As Emily sat on the couch reading her book, she suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. 

"Hello?" she called out. "Is someone there?"


No answer. Just the sound of something scratching, like claws against the tile floor. Emily's heart began to race. She slowly stood up and cautiously made her way to the kitchen, clutching her book tightly.


When she reached the doorway, she peered inside, but the room was pitch black. 

"Mom? Dad?" she whispered. "Is that you?"


Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness, staring straight at her! Emily let out a terrified scream and stumbled backwards, dropping her book. 


The eyes moved closer, and a low, guttural growl filled the air. Emily could make out the shape of a large, hulking creature emerging from the shadows. It had sharp fangs and long, curved claws - it was a werewolf!


Without thinking, Emily turned and ran for the stairs, the werewolf's thunderous footsteps close behind her. She raced up to the second floor, slamming her bedroom door shut and locking it just as the werewolf slammed against it.Emily trembled in the corner, hugging her knees as the beast outside howled and clawed at the door. She closed her eyes tightly, wishing her parents would come home soon to save her.


Suddenly, she heard the front door open downstairs. "Emily? We're home!" her mother's voice called out."


Her voice lowered to a whisper and then burst out again, making the audience hold their breath. The flames flared brightly at times, illuminating the anxious faces, and then again plunged the whole place into a soft twilight, awakening the imagination. In this way the girl kept her friends in the right mood for telling scary stories. Eutetika and Hitoshi held their breath, gripping their hands tightly with tension. Kifa listened intently at the same time, enjoying her choice of story for the evening. The image of a ferocious werewolf about to tear a little girl apart excited and alarmed her, but clearly fuelled her interest in continuing. Kaloria watched her friends' faces, realising they were overly tense. Smiling, she decided to end the story peacefully.


Kaloria: "Turning around to face the werewolf and about to warn her parents about the danger, Emily opened her mouth, but then widened her eyes in surprise. Her favourite pet was standing in front of her, wagging its tail cheerfully. The girl's imagination played a cruel joke on her, but later she simply laughed about it, telling her mom and dad about this misunderstanding."


Kifa's eyebrow flew up at the sudden change in mood, while Vesel'chack just grinned, conjuring up a different ending to the story for herself. Eutectika and Hitoshi breathed out a sigh of relief, and immediately began to discuss the story heatedly, almost interrupting each other. 


Eutectika: I knew it wasn't a werewolf! 

Hitoshi: It was probably just her imagination in the dark! 

Eutectika: How do werewolves growl? 

Hitoshi: Probably like big bad wolves! 

Eutectika: Have you ever seen a werewolf? 

Hitoshi: I have! I've definitely seen some! 


Their conversation was quick, making everyone else around the campfire laugh at their naivety. The flames of the bonfire lit up the faces of the three friends, who abruptly burst into laughter. Kaloria, Vesel'chack literally gasped with laughter, patting themselves on their knees.


Kaloria: You should have seen your faces!

The witch shouted through her fits of merriment, her whole body shaking.

Kaloria: It's priceless! You're petrified!

She brushed away the tears that came out of her laughter.

Kaloria: I thought you were going to fly out of here from the tension!


It took the elderly man a while to catch his breath, chortling hoarsely while doing so. 


In the meantime, Hitoshi and Eutetika sat in silence, looking at each other perplexed. They clearly hadn't caught on to the hilarious joke that had so amused their friends, and now felt excluded from the company.


Hitoshi: Hey guys, what's the matter? What's so funny? 

The guy ventured to ask, but only received a new explosion of unrestrained laughter in response.


Eutectika nudged him with her elbow, leaning towards him seriously. 

Eutectika: They don't seem like they're going to explain it to us.

She whispered, furrowing her eyebrows in bewilderment. The story was really scary, wasn't it?


Kifa sighed heavily, leaning over to the unsettled members of the company with a wide smile.

Kifa: Don't mind her, I'm sure Kaloria was just trying to pass on the scary stories to you. Your faces speak for themselves that you know what stories to tell. 


It was actually quite nice to see them so seriously absorbing the witch's words and believing her every word as if they were witnessing the events themselves. Kaloria nodded in agreement, not wanting to cause discomfort to her impressionable friends. 

Kaloria: Right! Eutectika, would you like to tell us something yourself? 


Eutectika looked thoughtfully at the basket of goodies, wondering what to tell her. 

Eutectika: Hmmm....

She sighed, staring at the Red Candy. She wanted to just tell some corny story about ghosts or monsters. But since Kaloria had told such a scary story, she thought she needed something really creepy and exciting too.


Suddenly the girl brightened up, her eyes sparkling with inspiration. 

Eutectika: Oh! I know!!! I'll tell you about the dreaded Bloody Chainsaw Man!" 

She exclaimed. 


For a few seconds, immersed in creating a plot, the girl imagined how this mysterious and brutal killer would stalk unsuspecting victims, breaking into their homes with a roaring chainsaw. She was enthusiastically working out every gruesome detail, falling into excitement. Suddenly a snippet of the story came out of her impatient mouth.


Eutectika: Ah there he goes quietly into the bedroom, raises the chainsaw above his head and...! 

Eutectika paused, grinning excitedly and jumping to another thought

Eutectika: Um no! First you have to describe how the victim wakes up to a strange sound, and then.....


The girl immersed herself in her chilling fantasies, muttering ideas at a feverish pace. She was completely engrossed in the process, her imagination drawing increasingly gruesome images.


Eutectika: Yes, it will be perfect! Him!!! 

She nodded contentedly, satisfied with the story she had come up with. Now she just couldn't wait to tickle the nerves of her friends with this blood chilling tale. The others only looked at each other, realising that the suggestion of telling a scary story had too much effect on the girl. Kaloria grinned and placed her palm on Eutectika's hand, stopping her with a quiet chuckle.


Kaloria: Wait wait wait, let's start from the beginning and be a little calmer. You're the scariest and most skilful storyteller in the world after all, right? Come on.

The witch sat back in her seat as the others prepared to listen. 


Eutectika: Oh! All right! So... Here is a scary story about the Bloody Chainsaw Killer!!!


It was a dark and cold autumn night. Little... ummm... Emma!!! Little Emma was sleeping soundly in her bed when she was suddenly woken up by a strange sound. 


She sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "What was that?" Emma whispered. Suddenly, the eerie roar of a revving chainsaw shattered the silence.


The girl froze in fear, her heart pounding. Could it be... the Bloody Chainsaw Killer?! She had heard about this terrible murderer who ruthlessly killed people. And he was here, in her house!!!!! 


Eutectika put her hands in the air, trying to scare everyone. 


Emma carefully peeked out from under her blanket. In the darkness, she saw a tall figure with glowing eyes slowly approaching her room. The girl shrank back, terrified to move.


Suddenly, the figure stepped into the light, and Emma sighed in relief - it was not the Bloody Chainsaw Killer, but her daddy!


"Daddy, you scared me!" the girl exclaimed.


"Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie! I was looking for tools in the basement and accidentally frightened you," Daddy replied, wrapping Emma in a warm hug.


Emma hugged him back tightly, feeling the fear melt away. She realised there was no murderer, just her daddy. Now she felt completely safe.


Daddy tucked Emma back into bed, wished her goodnight, and left. The girl snuggled under the covers, smiling. The Bloody Chainsaw Killer didn't scare her anymore - because her daddy would always protect her from any danger.


Finished, Eutectika smiled broadly, waiting for her friends' reactions. As the little girl finished her chilling tale about the Bloody Chainsaw Killer, the group of friends gathered around the campfire fell silent for a moment. Then, one by one, soft "aww's" and gentle laughter began to fill the air.


Kaloria: Wasn't that just the sweetest thing EVER?

Whispered Kaloria to Vesel'chack, a fond smile on her face. 

Kaloria: She tried so hard to make it scary, my heart LITERALLY blOw bhssss pooaaaahh.


Everyone immediately reacted in voice, starting to chat amongst themselves: Oh yeah it was so scary! The scariest story in the world! Have you ever heard of this killer? Such a twist at the very end! What an intrigue! 


It warmed Eutectika's big heart, assuring her that her friends loved the story. The evening continued with a few more scary stories. After the last scary stories were told around the campfire, the friends were left with only pleasant feelings. Despite the frightening stories, there was warmth and peace in the air. Sitting next to their favourite people and warming themselves by the crackling fire, everyone felt completely safe.


Even the creepiest stories could not break the cosy, friendly atmosphere of the evening. The scary stories only added a little thrill, but did not cause real fear. Friends relaxed watching the dancing flames, enjoying the moment of togetherness. Surrounded by loved ones, they felt completely safe - even if the dreaded "Bloody Chainsaw Man" roamed somewhere nearby. Warm smiles and satisfied looks gave away their peaceful state. This night by the campfire gave the friends a sense of calm and security that warmed their hearts.

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[spookies : Gift] SCARY BABY
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In Writing Only Prompts ・ By kuoili-RZ_PiS
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Submitted By kuoili-RZ_PiS for Spooky Stories ✧ Writing OnlyView Favorites
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 week ago

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[[spookies : Gift] SCARY BABY by kuoili-RZ_PiS (Literature)](https://symprites.com/gallery/view/6230)
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