[treasure] A Small Distraction.

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Atlas sighs, taking in a deep breath of fresh air as they stand outside the mossy, stagnant cave they had been in for the past few days. Another solo mission out into the land of Capricorn-13 to gain artifacts and insight into the past. A successful one. Atlas tugs a chest out of the cave, one they had found when diving into its depths. With a huff, the monochromatic Symprite lifts the chest high and begins their slow descent down the hill the cave resided on.

"Ahh, A long trek back." Atlas hums to themselves as they slide slightly down the hill, their hooves digging into the grass.

At the bottom of the hill, tied to a tree was Atlas' Houndle, Aster. She stopped her grazing of fresh fruit as Atlas slid down the rest of the hill, stumbling with the heavy chest in their hands. Aster snorts at their owner's mishap, causing Atlas to chuckle and wave the creature off dismissively.

"Don't laugh at me, you heathen." The blue-tailed Symprite jokingly scolds the Houndle. "I'm doing my best." Atlas grins, placing the chest off to the side. "Are you ready to get home girl?" Their spade-shaped tail flicks, "I sure am."

The Houndle bobs her head as Atlas halters her up and walks her to the awaiting coach. "Easy now." They hum, patting the Houndle's neck, "You'll be able to get that energy out on the road home. Be patient." Atlas waves back at the large creature as they gather up their items from the journey. Their tent, the waterer for Aster, and finally the chest that they had come for. Glancing around the site one more time, Atlas nods and turns to pull themselves up the coach for the long ride home.

"Let's go Aster!"


Partway through their voyage, Atlas spots something off the side of the road. "Whooaa, easy up Aster." They gently pull on the reins, getting their Houndle to slow to a stop. "Stay here..." They mumble, patting Aster's back as they circle around the front to look at what caught their eye.

A smaller, younger Houndle. Tangled up in a farmer's fence.

Eyes widening in shock, Atlas fights the instinct to rush down the slope to the poor creature. They take a second to breathe and gather some tools up before slowly descending toward the young Houndle, not wanting to scare him. "Easy little guy..." Atlas drones lowly, their tail swishing out a figure-eight pattern behind them. "I'm not gonna hurt ya." They gingerly approach the side of the tangled-up creature, hands up in a calming manner.

Atlas slowly kneels at the tied-up back feet of the young Houndle, gently petting the creature's leg to keep him calm as they inspect the problem.


A voice calls in the distance. Atlas looks up quickly and catches sight of another Symprite on the top of the slope, near Aster and the coach Atlas left. "Hello!" Atlas responds in kind, waving at the other. "Can you help me down here? I think the poor thing broke his leg twisting around in this rope."

The other Symprite quickly agrees, nodding her head as she makes her way down toward the scene. "Yeah, yep. I can help" She mumbles, "I'm Sorbus," She introduces herself, reaching over the young Houndle to shake Atlas' hand.

"Atlas." The monochrome symprite states, shaking Sorbus' hand in greeting. "Can you keep him calm while I free him, please?"

"Of course." Sorbus is quick to make her way to the Houndle's head, lifting it and placing it in her lap as she pets his cheek. The brown and white Symprite mumbles soft, calming words to the creature, giving Atlas a quick nod to keep working.

Nodding back, Atlas gets to work cutting free the Houndle.

When the job is finally done and the Houndle is safely and slowly walked to the coach. The two Symprites work together to get the young creature into the back of the buggy. Huffing from the workout of the whole ordeal, Atlas turns and grins at Sorbus, "Thank you. Would you like a ride back?"

Sorbus chews at her bottom lip, glancing at the closed door of the buggy. "Yeah. You can drop the Houndle off with me if you'd like. I can help him heal back up."

Atlas beams, "That'd be wonderful! I'm more of a museum person than an animal helper, so that definitely works with me."

Letting Sorbus board first, Atlas takes the reins in hand again and sets off to Sorbus' home.

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[treasure] A Small Distraction.
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In Treasure Hunting ・ By straysoulContent Warning: Injured Animal

On the way back from a successful treasure hunt, Atlas stumbles upon a hurt young Houndle. With the help of Sorbus, the two free the poor creature and take him back to Sorbus' house to heal.

Words: 757

Submitted By straysoul for Treasure HuntingView Favorites
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

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