All Prompts

Treasure Hunting

Hunt for treasure to gain random loot with this prompt's rewards! ♡ Click "Show Details" for more info~


♡ INFO ♡

♡ For this prompt you must submit a Symprite(s) or Aramelle(s) foraging, exploring or treasure hunting ♡

( eg. exploring a cavern, swimming in the reef, searching human ruins, etc)


This prompt can be completed TWICE PER MONTH

You do not need to own a Symprite or Aramelle yourself to participate in this prompt! We have the #symp-ara-art-request channel in the Discord you can ask permission for Symps or Aras to use. Other options include the mascots - Karma , Eden or Matcha - who are open to being used as well in case you prefer that instead of asking!



  • All mediums are welcome! Art entries should have a minimum of at least one waist-up and colored character sketch with simple background, but it is up to you if you want to add more. Written entries should be a minimum of 600 words.
  • Submissions must be made for this prompt and not an existing piece just tossed in for the reward. You also cannot submit commissions or pieces used in a different prompt.
  • If drawing a Symprite or Aramelle that does not belong to you, you must have the owners permission first.
  • Please keep submissions SFW and wholesome!!


Do not manually add the rewards, the mods do that!


Reward Amount
Chest of Shells 2
Potion Crate 1
Oaken Chest 1
Odd Chest 1
Seaside Chest 1


No skill increase.

You can submit this prompt 2 time(s) per month .

1 result found.