You can search the FAQ by tag, category, or keyword. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to staff.

How do I get obsidian dust / obsidian shells?

You can get obsidian dust from doing certain monthly prompts , just check the prompt descriptions to see which ones are currently offering it as a reward!

Obsidian currency is crafted from the dust using the Obsidian Furnace slot! It takes 1 dust to make 1 obsidian shell and it takes 3 days to craft each one. You can only craft one at a time!

Obsidian dust and currency are both account-bound!

Last Updated: 4 days ago

Horn specific questions!

Are squishy nub horns soft and squishy or do they visually just look like that?

- Canonically, they are squishy and movable!

Can you combine unicorn horn with other horns?

- yes, all horn types can be combined with one another if you add the extra horn trait.

Would intertwined horns require the merged horns trait?

- If they are visually merged yes, if they just curl around eachother no!

Is there a minimum size for horns?

- Horns have to be somewhat visible on the masterlist, you're not allowed to make them disappear or appear too micro to be seen.

if i put a hat on my symprite is it allowed to obscure the horns?

- No, for masterlist simplicity all traits need to be visible, this includes the required traits like hooves, horns and a biote.

Is the royal trait visible on a symprite when they are a baby? Are they born with spiky horns?

- Canonically yes, they are born with their ridges and sharp teeth/fangs.

Are mismatched horn types allowed?

- yes, make sure you include the potions and list the traits if you do so!

Last Updated: 4 months ago

What is the value and fur tuff rule?
myo / redesign

More detailed information can be found HERE but this will be a quick rundown for those checking last minute!



When submitting a symprite (this does NOT apply to aramelles) that's NOT an arctic they must follow the universal fur tuff rule. 

This rule was set in place to make sure no Symprite is too fluffy and would visually look like another subspecies!

This rule also applies to MARKINGS on the body, if the marking visually resembles FUR we count it in under the tuff rule!



Only up to 30% of a symprite is allowed to be covered in the 25 MAX ALLOWED VALUE!

Anything bellow 25% is not acceptable and will be send back, this rule does NOT apply to the imp trait, black sclera and clothing items.

You are free to color pick the values down below, if you do not know how to color pick the values you would have to google it, as almost ALL art programs have a color picker and value checker build in. 

(Usually hidden in a menu as toggle!)

Last Updated: 1 month ago

The ear wing trait, how big can it be? can a symprite fly with the trait?

It is physically impossible for the Symprite to lift, carry it and or walk around if the ear wing traits are any bigger than the maximum size of it's body, therefore the max allowed size is from the top of the head till the floor.

And no, a symprite cannot fly with the eared wing trait! the neck is simply too small to support the rest of the body if the symprite was able to fly.

Last Updated: 11 months ago

What are "bappies"? and when does a symprite reach full maturity compared to our human standard?

Symprites as a whole age differently from us, since their biote prologues their life expectancy.

A bappy, (baby) symprite is born with often very bright and stronger color pallets compared to when they are older, Its something that's still ingrained in their genetic makup, since very colorfull babies (like poisonous frogs) are there to ward of predators! As they grow older they usually saturate down in colors, also don't worry bappy's are no longer in danger like they used to be, it was a survival mechanism long before they merged with their symbiotes.

A symprite will in their standards reach maturity around the age of 30, since their normal max age is around 150 years.

So symprites compare other symprites under the age of 30 often to bappies, since in their eyes they are still babies in a sense even if they act tough.

Depending on subtype some often live longer (if they don't get into trouble that might end up getting them killed that is.)

Last Updated: 11 months ago

I have a MYO Ticket in my inventory but how do I use it?
myo / redesign

You have to first open the ticket by selecting it in your inventory > ticking the box > use slot > open, and a MYO slot will automatically be added to your account. From there you can transfer it to other users or follow the MYO Guide to submit your design!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can I sell a MYO Ticket?
myo / redesign

For most MYOs the answer is no! But there are some specifically marked "Can be Sold" on their ML (typically handed out to Guest Artists, etc). Please keep in mind that these tickets follow the rule that characters cannot be sold for more than their officially listed worth.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How do I unlock a crafting slot?

Here's a quick guide:

Last Updated: 6 months ago

Can Diamonds be converted back to Gold or Silver?

No, only Silver > Gold, Gold > Silver, Gold > Diamond are the currently possible conversions!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

I think there is an error on a character's image / traits on the ML, what do I do?

You can submit a private message ticket in the #contact-a-mod channel in the Discord if you think there are any errors in a masterlist entry and we will check it out and fix if we need to! <3

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How do I get the unwatermarked image of my Symprite / Aramelle?

You'll have to submit a ticket in the #contact-a-mod channel in discord!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How can I change my username or email on site?

Please submit a claim through the site with your desired username or email. You can access it by going to Account > Submissions > (sidebar) Claims

You can also submit a ticket in the discord #contact-a-mod channel :3

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Do the seasonal potions expire? Are they limited to only being used during the event?
myo / redesign

No! While obtaining the potions from the shop can only happen during the event, you are free to use them whenever you want, they will never expire~

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can I have more than 1 heritage trait (Royal, Brute, Imp) on my Symprite?
myo / redesign

Yes! You can have up to 2 heritage traits on one character and any combo of them as long as the subtype allows it (eg. Brute cannot be applied to Arctic, etc). This also applies to Hybrids, so if one of your hybrid's subtypes does not allow thee heritage it cannot have it applied.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How do I get a Brute and/or Imp Potion?
myo / redesign

Brute and Imp potions are only available during the seasonal Lunisolar Festival event in the Black Market shop. 

  • An Imp potion costs 10 Gold.
  • A Brute potion costs 1 Lunisolar Event Ticket which you can obtain through crafting.

You must first unlock your crafting slot from Activity > Crafting > (sidebar) Crafting Slots, then you can craft the ticket using the seasonal event items! Crafting takes 10 minutes and you can only craft one thing at a time!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

When does foraging reset?

Foraging resets every day at 00:00:00 server time, so you don't have to wait 24 hours necessarily between forages.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

If I am a minor what can I still do?

With the switch into an 18+ species, minors are not allowed to join in the following anymore:

  •  the Discord server
  • -official sales and giveaways (this includes asking an adult to enter for them)
  • participate in on-site prompts

What you can still do:

  • have a site account
  • Forage
  • Daily spin

Minors caught lying about / faking their age will be banned indefinitely, no matter when we find out. If we found out you lied years down the line this will still count as a no warning, single strike ban.

Last Updated: 2 weeks ago

How long will it take for my prompt submission to be approved?

It typically takes 2-3 days for prompts to be reviewed unless we have a large volume like during events or when they are about to end, then it can take up to 5 days. When things are backed up a little we will be sure to post an update in the Discord server! ♡

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can I have 2+ symprites.com accounts?

No, this is against our rules and will result in an immediate ban.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can the potions in the Trait Merchant shop be used on both Aramelles and Symprites?
myo / redesign

Yes! They can be used for either with the exception of specific species heritage traits (like the royal potion)!  :)

Last Updated: 1 year ago

What are the fish / forageables used for?

The fish and forageables are currently mostly used for collection, can be used for trading with other members or selling for an extra bit of coin! Event items sometimes have more use than this like being able to trade them in for a profile banner or the seasonal Black Market shop, so be sure to check out the event channels in the Discord for those!

We will also be implementing crafting down the line!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

I keep getting an error when trying to upload the image for my MYO / redesign?
myo / redesign

It's most likely that your image is too big! We recommend sticking to under the following guidelines:

- file size no bigger than 4k mb

- canvas no bigger than 2000x2000

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Why did it only let me forage once the first time?

Sometimes this happens with new accounts and should only affect your first time ever foraging! You can hard refresh the site before foraging the next day to make sure this is fixed~

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Why does my foraging say 1 hour instead of 1 minute?

This is a visual glitch that happens sometimes, just hard refresh your page to fix it!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How long will it take for my MYO / redesign to be approved?
myo / redesign

It typically takes 2-5 days for a myo or redesign to be reviewed unless we have a large volume. When things are backed up a little we will be sure to post an update in the Discord server! ♡

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can we use any Symprite or Aramelle for prompts?

No, you must gain the owner's permission before using their character!

We do have our mascots Karma, Eden and Matcha that are always free to be drawn for them, and in the Discord you can request characters to use from other members as well~

Last Updated: 1 year ago

My question isn't answered here, where should I ask it?

Easiest is to pop over to admin-ask in the Discord to ask any questions as they may be missed! Please Ctrl+F in the admin-answers channel for a quick search as well before asking your question as it may have already been answered.

You can also leave a comment on Lark 's profile or leave a comment on our TH - https://toyhou.se/symprite (DMs are not checked as frequently sorry)

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Do you (mods) upload Symprites to Toyhou.se?
myo / redesign

Nope, we are not enforcing TH characters anymore. You are more than welcome to still upload your own once it has been added to the Master List on the website and also feel free to link it to the Symprite World here - https://toyhou.se/~world/88448.symprites - when you do! :)

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Are all the different subtypes released? Can I change my Symprite / Aramelle's subtype?
myo / redesign

Not all Symprite and Aramelle subtypes have been released!

Two more Symprite subtypes are planned (Tidepool and Abyss) without a definitive release date yet! Aramelles also have more planned >:3

There is currently no way to change a Symprite or Aramelle subtype and Hybrids can only be gained through rare raffles and events.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

What can be changed without a redesign / potions?
myo / redesign

Anything that modifies a Symprite's design genetically would count as a redesign! This includes changes to the markings and/or colours, removing/adding/changing traits (this may also require potions to be done), and such.

Cosmetic changes like adding scars and accessories, changing hairstyles, etc would not require a redesign approval, but you may still submit new art to the master list the same way you would a redesign.

A full guide can be found here - https://symprites.com/info/symprites - under the "Redesign Guide" tab.

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How do I submit a design for my MYO ticket?
myo / redesign

Please see the full guide here - https://symprites.com/info/symprites - under the "MYO Guide" tab for info and screenshots on designing and submitting your MYO ticket. :3

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Do I need to own a Symprite / Aramelle in order to make a pet species character or earn currency?

Nope! You do not need to own a Symprite / Aramelle to make a pet species character or partake in any of the symprites.com account features like foraging and prompts!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

What can I do with a symprites.com account?

Once verified you gain access to enter raffles hosted on site, gather free currency daily through foraging, participate in our monthly prompts for currency and other rewards, purchase shop items, edit your character's profile/name, submit a character's redesign or Master List image update, submit designs for your MYO tickets, trade with other users, and more!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Do I need to have a symprites.com account to get a Symprite / Aramelle?

Yes! You will also need an account to submit redesigns, gain currency, participate in raffles and prompts, and much more!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Where is the Discord link?

https://discord.gg/symprites ♡

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How often do events happen? Do I need to own a Symprite / Aramelle to participate?

While we will always have some smaller prompts open, larger scaled events happen every other month! These ones are normally jam-packed with raffles, prizes, prompts, etc!

You don't need to own a Symprite / Aramelle to participate in the events and prompts either as we have our mascots Karma, Eden and Matcha that are always free to be drawn for them, and in the Discord you can request characters to use from other members as well~

Last Updated: 1 year ago

How do I get a Symprite / Aramelle / MYO?
myo / redesign

Symprites and MYO tickets can be obtained through regular sales, events and raffles! Symprite sales and raffles happen fairly often while MYO sales happen less often with the money going to pay our wonderful mods (though we frequently do free MYO raffles as well), or can also be found as event reward prizes.

Most sales and raffles occur through our Discord and you can grab the event and/or sales roles in the role-assignments channel to be notified when we have sales and raffles or event news!

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Can I base my Symprite, Aramelle, pet species and/or personal designs on the current items/forageables and/or fish from the site?
myo / redesign

No, we ask users not to do this as a lot of items are either lore locked or many of our fish and items are actually based on existing characters members got to submit through a ko-fi event! So we ask users not to use them as inspiration.
You are however free to take inspiration from our flora tab that's specifically designed to expand the lore and inspire people.

Last Updated: 1 year ago
38 results found.