Submission (#1948) Approved

29 November 2022, 23:38:39 UTC (1 year ago)
30 November 2022, 21:34:13 UTC (1 year ago) by Fenokey
The kitchen, was, well…a disaster zone. Broken egg shells littered the countertops, flour dusted every surface like freshly fallen snow and the milk dripped onto the floor with a steady rhythmic staccatto. Sylph stared across the kitchen at his byun, Cheshire. The byun didn’t seem at all bothered by the chaos they had managed to unleash, quite the contrary, their smug flick of their voluminous tail and their large toothy smile clearly earmarked how proud they were.

“Why did I volunteer to bring dessert to the Glimfall Feast. This was a mistake…” Sylph sat back on a stool and looked at the mess. Not only would he be disappointing everyone for going back on his promise he now had a huge mess to clean.

Cheshire bounced lithely up onto the kitchen countertop and began to lap up the milk. It probably wasn’t a good idea to let a byun drink milk but Sylph simply didn’t have it in him to chastise Cheshire. The damage was done and at least someone was enjoying themselves.

Picking up the recipe book from the table, Sylph flicked through it. He had planned on making baking a cake but what little flour he had was now dusting his kitchen. The pages flipped on by with a brief susurration of air against his fingertips. A picture of golden caramel made him stop and flick back a few pages.

“Huh…” He had sugar, he had eggs, he had some milk and cream…maybe this would work after all. Grabbing a kitchen towel, Sylph wiped off the surface, giving himself room to work on his second attempt at his contribution to the Glimfall Feast.

“Okay Cheshire, you may have won the first battle but not the war. I am going to bring a dessert to the Feast if it’s the last thing I do.”

Cheshire simply watched him under his signature bushy fur. Sylph narrowed his eyes at the byun and the byun, by coincidence or not, winked at him as he continued to drink the spilled milk.

Shaking his head, Sylph gathered his ingredients and tools and set about the business of preparing what the recipe book called “Creme Brulee”. It was far more advanced than he had been planning on but it did look delicious. The cream and eggs were combined, the milk cooled and poured into the mix. Pulling out his ramekins he poured the mixture into each one separately, making a baker’s dozen in total. It was always good practice to make a spare, or so he had been told. Throughout the process, Cheshire now full of milk and satisfaction sat on the counter and watched him through half lidded eyes as he struggled to fend off sleep.

Although the byun was a terror, Sylph would never have been without him. He wasn’t the best at making friends and Cheshire was always good company and he was grateful to have the impish character in his life. Not that he would ever say such a thing out loud.

Popping the ramekins onto a tray, he slid it into the pre-heated oven and watched them as they cooked, fingers crossed. When the time was up, he pulled them out, sprinkled each with with sugar and then finished them off with a carefully aimed blast of flame and a sprig of mint.

“There, not too bad.” Sylph declared with a pleased smile. “What do you think Cheshire?” Cheshire lifted his chin and inspected Sylph’s creation before setting his chin down on top of his paws again, violet eyes closed.

“That’s okay, I’m sure they taste better than they look.”

Stepping outside of his home with the tray of creme brulees in hand, Sylph walked into town through the well trodden paths. Today was not the day to get lost. As he approached, music drifted towards him on the cool autumnal air and he heard the first few bright sparks of laughter and merriment. Slyph’s heart jumped into his throat. He wasn’t good with crowds and lots of people. Maybe this whole thing had been a bad idea.

“Sylph!” A Syrmprite called out to him. “So glad you came! What did you make?” The other Symprite came in close and bowed their head to inspect the desserts. “Wow, these look great. Come on, let’s get you something to eat.” His fellow slung an arm around him and tugged him towards the festivities. Tables of delicious looking food and drinks had been set out, showing a wide variety of culinary delights. Lights had been strung up between the trees, giving everything a welcoming golden glow.

Setting down his desserts onto a table that seemed designated for sweet treats, Sylph wandered over to one of the tables. Already, Symprites were feasting and enjoying each other’s company. Sylph took a plate form the table and selected a few morsels. Yet it was some time before he managed to take a bite as Symprites came up to him, welcoming him, chatting to him, telling jokes and tales from the past year. By the end of it Sylph’s cheeks were sore from all of the smiling.

Chuckling to himself, Sylph managed to find himself a seat and sample some of the food. Roast meats, steamed vegetables, a creamy mash, a berry sauce…it was delicious and hey, the crowd of friendly faces didn’t turn out to be so bad after all. A warm weight jumped onto his lap and Sylph looked down to see Cheshire, kneading his soft fur as he walked in two circles before plopping himself down. Cheshire glared at another byun a couple of metres away. Sylph laughed and stroked the sensitive spot behind his ear that he enjoyed being tickled.

“Oh come on Cheshire, enjoy it. The Glimfall Feast is a special day and well, I’m glad to have spent it with you.” Cheshire turned his oval face up to look at him and flicked his tail.

There was a lot to be grateful for, Sylph realised as he sat and soaked in the festive atmosphere, belly full of good food.

“Hey!” A Symprite called out to no one in particular. “This is really good! Who made this?” Sylph looked up to see one of his ramekins held up. Smiling to himself, Sylph settled back into his chair and breathed out a relieved, satisfied sigh.
Reward Amount
Diamond 1
Thumbnail for SYM-170: Sylph

SYM-170: Sylph

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