Submission (#3039) Approved

29 May 2023, 04:09:13 UTC (1 year ago)
29 May 2023, 13:12:50 UTC (1 year ago) by Kiroria
786 words (copy pasted below in case there are issues with the google word doc)

Bubbles. Bubbles was said to be one of the friendliest houndles around and yet when Sylph looked up at Bubbles, he felt nothing but a bone deep fear. Sure there were many Symprites that rode houndles and there were many Symprites that counted their faithful mount amongst their closest friends.

Why had he agreed to do this again? Sylph looked around at the small gathering of Symprites around him, all encouraging him with smiles and gestures to approach the saddled houndle.

“Go on, you can do it!” A Symprite called out to him with encouragement.

On the wooden fence, Chessy, his byun watched him with large purple eyes and, somehow, a smug smile stretching across its lips. Chessy knew, knew, that he was utterly screwed if he got onto the houndle. A fact that many of his fellow Symprites didn’t seem to understand.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to calm the racing of his heart that thundered in his ears. This was just a practice lap for the race, he could do this.

With a nod to himself, Sylph finally approached Bubbles. The houndle stretched out its neck and sniffed at his pale fur, the breath of the houndle disturbing the fur.

Letting out a nervous laugh, Sylph stroked his fingers over the soft velvety muzzle of Bubbles. “You’re actually quite sweet aren’t you?”

Bubbles simply watched him with intelligent eyes, the sun shining on the pink hue. Stepping onto the wooden box that had been placed next to the houndle, another Symprite helped him slip his hoof into the stirrup as he sat down, settling back into the well worn leather of the saddle.

Suddenly, he seemed, very very high up. With each one of Bubble’s breaths, Sylph could feel the houndle’s sides expanding, pushing at his legs. He was on a living, breathing creature, one that meant him no harm, he was sure of it.

Chessy simply flicked his tail in the air and gave him one of his unnerving grins once more.

Yeah right, you keep telling yourself that. The byun seemed to say.

Around him, the other friendly Symprites all whooped with delight and praise as he sat on Bubble’s back.

“See, you did it!”

“We told you you could do it!”

Sylph nodded and smiled at him, giving them a little nervous wave. Yeah, it really wasn’t so bad after all.

Wiping some of the sweat from his brow, Sylph turned to the waiting Symprite who had a hold of Bubble’s reins.

“Bubbles knows this course really well, so you don’t really have to steer. Just hold on and enjoy the ride. Okay? This is just a practice race.”

At his side, other Symprites riding houndles had arrived. Bubbles turned to look at them and then turned their gentle pink eyes to the course ahead of them. The course was a simple ring track, with a dusty ground and grass at the center.

“Okay, first practice race. I can do this.”

A Symprite standing on the grass raised a flag and then with a whoosh of air, lowered the flag, signaling the start of the practice race.

Without needing any direction from him, Bubbles surged to life and took off down the track. A yell was torn from Sylph’s throat as he felt his belly lurch and wind hit his face like a cotton cloth. The scenery around him turned into an abstract painting, streaks of greens, browns and blues as Bubbles galloped around the course.

“Oh no, oh no!” Sylph called out to no one in particular. Behind him there was the rhythmic pounding of houndle feet as they gained on Bubbles who raced around the course. Closing his eyes, Sylph gripped the leather reins so hard he was sure that the shape of them would be forever imprinted into his palms.

Finally, Bubbles came to a stop. It took Sylph a moment to realise that the race was over and slowly, he opened his eyes.

Symprites were jumping and cheering his name.

“Congratulation, you won.” Said the Symprite who had overseen the race. “You have a real talent for houndle racing. This was just a practice round. How about you take part in the real competition?”

Throat clicking, Sylph tried to find his voice. “I…I…” Sylph teetered and fell flat from the saddle, his thick fur cushioning his fall a little.

“I never want to do that again…” He groaned as he laid out flat on the ground, staring up at the sky. A moment later, Bubbles came to stand over him, regarding him with a confused expression.

Chessy had been right, he really wasn’t cut out for houndle racing.
Reward Amount
Pirate Treasure 1
Crab Trap 1
Gold 3
Thumbnail for SYM-170: Sylph

SYM-170: Sylph

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for HON-048: Bubbles

HON-048: Bubbles

No rewards set.