Submission (#4865) Approved

12 November 2023, 23:51:17 UTC (10 months ago)
13 November 2023, 18:35:37 UTC (10 months ago) by SpaceCereal
It was the end of just another day in the cozy symp town. Captain Jib Stern, having his usual work ethic, was at home on his comfy couch, completely drained from lifting crates all day due to the lunisolar festival. He let the sleep take over as he closed his eyes, trying to let the paining aches leave his body. An hour or so passes, but it wasn’t long before he was gently awoken by a tiny paw, touching his shoulder.

“Festival.” Was the only word the small symp uttered. In front of the short Captain stood a light blue coloured bappy, holding his stuffed bunny tightly against his own body. It was of course Nimbus, the tiny captains even tinier son. He stood with big eyes, staring at his father.
“Hey, Nim-Nim…” Jib was startled at first, but quickly regained his composure, talking back to his son with a most gentle tone “Papa is real tired… I’m sorry, bubba.” Jib puts his hand on Nimbus’s head, gently petting his hair. The bappy pouts and looks away from his father, clearly a bit upset to miss out on the fun. Jib gently curses himself that he didn’t let Elise, his wife, take him with her to the arctic town.
“Candy.” Nimbus then says, looking towards his father again. He then points towards a big empty cellophane bag lying on the floor.
“Oh…” Jib lets out from under his breath. He looks towards his son. Nimbus is six years old now, he’s growing up quick. What kind of father would he be to deny his kid one night of fun, something for him to remember, because he was simply a bit tired? Jib shakes his head, then stands up.
“You know what, Nim-Nim? I changed my mind,” He picks up his son and hugs him lightly “Let’s go watch the meteors and get some candy, and maybe find something for mama?” Nimbus cracks a small smile and nods.

The two symps get dressed up and go out into the evening. They walk to the center of town where the festivities are, where Jib had helped set up a handful of stands, where the source of his aching bones is sitting. Jib shrugs it off and looks towards his son. Nimbus eyes are big and curious, looking around to see all the colors and lights. Jib smiles.
“Do you want some comet candies?” He asks with a smile. Nimbus’s eyes lit up a bit and he starts furiously nodding. They walk up to a stall, getting greeted by a symp with beige and orange markings, with stylish round glasses on his face.
“Milo!” Nimbus yells out and points. Milo leans over the stall and smiles at the young bappy. Jib and Milo aren’t on good terms, but Jib swallows and responds with a quaint smile.
“Hello there Nim-Nim, more candy?” He asks and shoots a glance towards Jib, his sly eyes looking at him.
“One big bag please.” Jib says and brings out a gold coin. Milo nods and turns away to get the goods, producing a big bag of comet candies to the front. He takes the gold coin and gives a sly smile.
“There we go… Thank you for your business.”
Nimbus doesn’t understand, or care, about the adults petty back and forth, instead quickly grabbing the bag that’s almost the same size as him. Jib quickly ushers his boy away from the stall and they begin walking towards the big hill right outside town.

When they get there, loads of symps are already waiting. The two boys gets waved at by multiple people, greeted directly by some. Jib and Nimbus walk up to one of the symp that waved at him, a beautiful completely white symp with curly big hair, Eden.
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” She says and chuckles, then turns her head towards Nimbus “look at you, you enjoying the festival?” He nods as he crunches down one of the candies, the bag already having a sizable portion gone from it.
“Join me,” she chuckles and pats her blanket, making room for the two boys to sit next to her. Nimbus sits in the middle of the adult symps, happily moving his small hooves back and forth as he waits for the big event.

After a few minutes of waiting, the meteor shower begins. Nimbus’s big eyes stare in awe as the night sky is filled with glowing streaks of light. The loud noises surrounding him turns into silence as his focus is on the beautiful painting upon the sky above. He then closes his eyes, like many of the other symps, making a wish. Jib watches his little kid instead of the meteors, feeling a sense of pride and joy, making his heart warm. He then closes his eyes, wishing that there will be several more moments like this between him and his son.

Nimbus… wishes for more candy.
Thumbnail for SYM-002: Eden ♡

SYM-002: Eden ♡

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Thumbnail for SYM-064: Nimbus

SYM-064: Nimbus

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Thumbnail for SYM-142: Thomas

SYM-142: Thomas

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