Submission (#5477) Approved

4 January 2024, 11:41:59 UTC (6 months ago)
6 January 2024, 05:56:42 UTC (5 months ago) by Kiroria
Celebrating festivals can be hectic, but fun at the same time! From decorating trees (with phoqueas monkeys that decide to add paint buckets to the decorations), to the young ones running around without looking at where they are stepping on (poor Alis), it can take alot of energy just to organize everything. But nothing beats a nice cup of alcohol hot cocoa to help with the nerves (and the noise). 

You don't have to count Alis the Aramelle into the body count, I just wanted to draw her like that cause its hilarious
Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 3
Obsidian Dust 6
Moonchill Festival 1
Diamond 1