Submission (#5525) Approved

6 January 2024, 04:10:55 UTC (6 months ago)
10 January 2024, 19:49:22 UTC (5 months ago) by Kiroria
Tysm for handing this back for a second chance! I hope I allowed to tack on writing now </3


The only downside about going to events with a group of symps, is that everyone wants to do something different.

Interests clash, something a symp hates could something another symp loves, there's texture and noise level to take into account for those with multiple or oversized ears; There's too many variables and not nearly enough time in the day to take all of them into account.

Which is exactly what the problem is right now.

Mistsuri watches as Kahlua and Tangie debate about the different shops that line the sloshing streets. Kahlua wants to visit a local café and compare it to his, while Tangie is edging towards the skate rink that was just made yesterday.

Sorbus, while with the group, is mainly paying attention to the pathway and occasional trinket shops, various shiny objects glinting in the high noon light.

But it's easy to tell she's getting a little irked.

They've looped the entire center of the festival area nearly five times without stopping. Mistsuri has kept count, considering she's almost tripped over the same exact rock in the road the same amount of times.

She watches as Sorbus spots a shop she's eyed every loop, and decides to call it here.

"What if-" She paused, the two still completely sucked into their conversation.

She taps the blunt edge of her claw into Kahluas shoulder, halting the group and gaining their attention. "What if you just played rock paper scissors? And we'll go to whichever one wins."

Sorbus takes advantage of the halt in motion, jogging to the little stall.

A smile comes across Kahluas face. "Thats a brilliant idea!"

"I suppose it is the easiest way to make a decision." Tangie brushes off imaginary dirt from her chest, and then more from her hips.

"Alright. On scissors. One-" Kahlua begins counting immediately, not waiting for Tangie to get ready. Kahlua throws scissors, while Tangie throws out a thumbs up in her panic to catch up.

"What's that supposed to be?"

"Rock... I think."

They try again, Tangie and Kahlua calling out the name of the game at completely different times, causing Kahlua to throw out a paper while Tangie is still on calling out scissors.

Again and again, they try their hand at trying to time up their throws, to absolutely no avail.

Mistsuri sighs, stepping up to them. She can tell a bit of refereeing is going to be needed for this game. "How about, on *my* mark, you throw out your choice? So that theres no confusion on speed."

Tangie immediately agrees, Kahlua giving a playful huff as he sets out his hand.

"This isn't going to go fast." She gives a very quick glance at Kahlua through her horn veil. She calls one through three, setting the pace.

"Rock-" Kahlua quickly throws down her fist, trying to rush to the end "-paper-" Tangie speeds up, Kahlua slowing down "-scissors-" they finally sync up "-shoot."

Tangie throws out scissors, while Kahlua throws out rock.

Mistsuri points at Kahlua. "He wins."

The click of a camera breaks everyone's attention as Kahlua bumps his fist against Tangies. Sorbus is holding up her phone, new rings decorating her clawed fingers.

She puts her phone into her side bag, small tingling sounds coming"That was cute. Can we go to the coffee shop now, though? It's getting really cold."

And just like that, the cold begins to inch into Mistsuri's scales, making a shiver go up her back. "I second that."

"Alright with me." Tangie, good sport she is, begins heading towards the coffee shop first, Kahlua excitedly trotting along behind her.

"Send me that later?" Mistsuri asks, sticking close with Sorbus as they inch along the trail.

"You got it."

A cold gust of wind cuts between the shops. Coffee definitely was the better choice.
Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 3
Obsidian Dust 6
Moonchill Festival 1
Diamond 1