Submission (#5748) Approved

{Add-on 400 words - in addition to the art piece!}

As the seasons got colder, many of the symprites and aramelles that frequented Cyrielle’s shrine started to head north for the City of Elysium. Most of them would reside there for the month to enjoy the festivals held there before eventually streaming back to their homes and passing by the swamp again. After bidding goodbye to a couple of symprites leaving for the City, Cyrielle stood wistfully at the entrance of her shrine and wondered how it would be like to enjoy the festivals like anyone else. However, her poor eyesight and the animals under her care didn’t allow her to leave the shrine unattended for too long. A month was a long time to be away from home.

Heaving a large sigh, she was about to head back into her warm home when a familiar voice rings out.

“ELLE!” Before she could respond, a large fluffy body envelopes her in a warm hug.

“Bramble?” Cyrielle could barely speak beneath all the fur.

“I came to surprise you!” Her best friend, Bramble, released her from the hug. “You’re always moping around alone for Moonchill season, so I thought I would come and spend some time with you.”

“You’re not heading for the festivals in the City?” Cyrielle asked. “But you head there every year.”

“Not this year. I want to spend it with my best friend.” Bramble grabbed Cyrielle’s hand and was grinning from ear to ear. There was a small squeak and Cyrielle looked down to see an white blur behind Bramble.

“Bramble…did you bring me another animal? Again? “ Cyrielle raised an eyebrow.

“No, she’s a friend! Her name is Alis and she’s an aramelle.” Bramble laughed. “Jeez Cyrielle, how bad is your eyesight getting? But Alis will be spending Moonchill with us, if you don’t mind.”

Cyrielle squinted and vaguely made out a white aramelle with a black tail and horns. “Oh. Of course I wouldn’t mind. Hey, Alis…?”

“Hey there!” Alis waved but Cyrielle could barely even see her in the snow.

“Brr! Shall we get out of the cold?” Bramble grabbed both Cyrielle and Alis and started herding them into the warmth of the room ahead.

Before they knew it, all three of them had settled down into Cyrielle’s living room. Somehow Bramble had managed to transport an entire tree into Cyrielle’s shrine and set it up in the middle of the room. “Do you have any decorations?” Bramble asked as she attached the star to the tip of the tree.

Cyrielle scratched her head. “I may have some lights left over from the year before.”

“I can get them! Where do you keep them?” Alis jumped up eagerly. As Alis ran to get the lights, Bramble wrapped a brightly colored scarf around Cyrielle’s neck.

“Here we go. In the spirit of the festive season! A scarf for you, and one for me.” Bramble smiled widely. “When Alis comes back I’ll give her one too!”

Cyrielle smiled back. “Merry Moonchill to you too, Bramble.”
Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 3
Obsidian Dust 6
Moonchill Festival 1
Diamond 1
Thumbnail for SYM-920: Bramble 🍂 ☕

SYM-920: Bramble 🍂 ☕

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for ARA-159: Alis

ARA-159: Alis

No rewards set.