Submission (#5872) Approved

14 January 2024, 16:38:53 UTC (5 months ago)
15 January 2024, 17:54:43 UTC (5 months ago) by Kiroria
It was a lovely day just like usual, Blanka was humming as she worked on the recent designs for her soon to be out collection of new clothes.
Considering the season she is putting in extra effort to capture the essence of this wonderful time.
Blanka was completely focused on scribbling down vague silhouettes of symprites and aras, to test out designs on the different body proportions, obviously taking into account that the clothes shouldn't be too clotting so that they wouldn't get in the way of swimming.
What Blanka didn't notice was a taller yellowish figurine that entered the room in which she was, looking around and shaking her head at the mess that was the room, scattered with various attempts at creating the Sketches for possible clothes.
“You are trying very hard aren't you Blanka?” The figurine leaned her head lightly onto Blankas shoulder, obviously not putting actual pressure ontu her though considering the comparison of their sizes.
“Oh- Cressia you're back, I thought you would take longer” she turned her head toward Cressia and greeted her with a friendly look on her face “well, it was quite easy to handle so it didn't take as long” cressia lifted her head up and stretched “your room looks like you threw a stack of paper around “ Blanka replied with a hysterical lil laugh “Well, more or less “ she picked up the ones from her table “You know, working and refining the next collection” shoving them directly into Cressias face after she climbed onto her table to make up for the height difference.
“I know that you like this season very much so I can understand your enthusiasm. Though I'll never get used to your execution style.” Cressia, who prefers to keep everything neat and ordered “But maybe that's just because my stuff doesn't have much to do with creative aspects.”
“you always talk so grown up and professional Cressia!” Blanka said with a pouting face “Come on, get a bit loose and relax there ain't nobody here you have to convince to get better deals right now” she grinned at her friend knowingly “Hey, you never know when suddenly a client pops up, even here” she returned the grin of her friend and chuckled.
“Well, putting that aside, I got you something.” She handed Blanka a bag she had put aside at the entrance of the room, which Blanka hadn't even noticed before.
Looking inside she found a collection of different sticks, many different from one another, from thin branches to thick ones almost comparable to actual logs.
“OH! Is this what I think it is?” Blanka said her tail flicking side to side subtle.
“ehe yep. Thought I might pick you a little collection since I didn't know what you were planning to do for it.”
“oh, they are lovely. They are perfect cressia, thank you!” Blanka picked up the bag and dragged it in a position to lean it against her table, stirring her paws around in it mindlessly.
“I was actually gonna pick some myself but i haven't gotten to it due to being busy but this is just perfect! “ Blanka excitedly continued flicking her tail. Putting aside the Sketches from her table in a basket underneath her table.
She grabbed one of the sticks and inspected it, feeling the texture, measuring the size and the curves and how it's shaped.
“do you want me to leave?” Cressia asked before Blanka would completely lose herself in her little inspiration bubble.
“Huh- Oh! No no, Cressia sits down next to me” she tries pulling Cressia down to sit on a pillow laying somewhere next to the table, probably especially for Cressia to sit at the small table.
“Cressia, why don't you also make a Fishstick?” She asked, seemingly still excited.
“Oh- you know i'm not the greatest at that” a tad bit embarrassed she scratches the back of her head “it doesn't matter if you're good at it or not, the fun of making it is all!” She really wants her childhood friend to join her in these fun activities.
“Well, if you say so.” She looks at the sticks too now, yet with not as much knowledge of what she is actually doing compared to Blanka.
“I shall pick this one then.” She simply just took a stick she liked the texture of.
“Sounds good to me “ Blanka supports her choice before continuing to look at more sticks unable to decide which one to go with.
Cressia watches her struggle seemingly amused by her friends' struggle.
Up she gets to go grab some knives for them to carve with, since Blanka seems to still take a while to choose.
She went out of the room to go get some, Blanka took exactly till then to notice Cressia had left and turned her head to all corners wondering where she went.
Shortly after, Cressia returned with some different knives she placed on the table, Blanka just looked relieved seeing Cressia return and didn't just leave.
“Did you finally manage to find a good stick?” She asked blanka while sitting down.
Blanka looked at the knives wondering which one to use “oh, yes I did! I thought this one might be neat to use” she held a quite long stick that gets pointy at the end and has a little curve in it.
“Hmm, interesting choice, but knowing you, you'll make something cool out of it.” Cressia noted.
“I will definitely try” determined Blanka grabbed one of the knives and started carefully crafting on her stick.
Meanwhile Cressia is struggling with holding an actual knife due to her long nails. Eh she will figure it out.
Reward Amount
Obsidian Dust 1
Pouch of Shells 1
Thumbnail for SYM-583: Cressia

SYM-583: Cressia

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for ARA-083: Blanka

ARA-083: Blanka

No rewards set.