Submission (#6248) Approved

30 January 2024, 22:10:35 UTC (5 months ago)
1 February 2024, 01:30:16 UTC (5 months ago) by Drearypiper
[682 Word Count]
One cold winter morning...
Seele was no match for the freezing temperature of the winter morning. Begrudgingly she pulls herself out of bed and shivers. Another day another treasure hunt.
Seele looks out her window, her once fertile land covered in a light smattering of snow. With the ground to cold to support most of her crops she finds herself with an abundance of free time. All the more time to go treasure hunting.
She packs her bags, grabs a coat, and heads out. Her hooves sink into the freshly fallen snow, a shiver runs up her spine from the sudden cold. Her map unrolls and she marks her treasure hunting location for the day.
After traversing to her destination she scans the area. A field of snow with scattered trees and a small frozen over pond. Seele trots over to the pond and peers into the icy waters, somewhere down there is a treasure chest. For a moment she debates if its worth getting considering how cold the water is going to be. Determined to find the treasure though she pulls out her tools and prepares for her decent. Using an ice hammer she breaks the thin layer of ice and sticks her hand in, cold but not as cold as she had been expecting, she takes a moment to brace herself and then plunges into the icy depths.
While the water may seem like a shallow pond from the surface a dip into the water proves otherwise. Seele looks around a thick covering of some weird water plant blocks her view, suddenly something catches her eye. A glitter of something shiny within the covering. Excitedly Seele rushes forward, swimming through the covering, pushing small fish out of the way so they don't get swept up in her tail. Her hand launches forward to grab at the glittering object and... its squishy? She pulls her loot forward only to be met with a very agitated sparkly fish, she apologies and lets go of the little critter. Seele lets out a sigh, or at least as much as she can considering she's underwater and all. Her head swivels around to see if she can locate anything else that could possibly be treasure. Some more shiny fish catch her eye, a sparkly rock here, a shiny stone there. The water holds many shiny objects and yet no chest, and yet she knows one is down here, sure her intuition hasn't always been one hundred percent but she knows there's one down here. She flicks her tail around and swims to the surface, taking in a big breath of warm air, the water beading of her fur. She pulls herself carefully up onto the ice and makes her way to her bag for a lunch break. After eating she digs around her stuff to see if she brought anything else that could possibly help and pulls out a small baggy of fish food. An idea enters her mind, she may not know where the chest is but surely the fish who live here may have seen it. She slides back into the icy water and looks for some fish to bribe. Sprinkling the food in front of them she waits to see if they will lead her to the treasure. One of the fish quickly swims off and Seele promptly follows behind. As she follows the fish a small purply box comes into view, her heart races with excitement. Her fish friend swims off and she approaches the purple box, her hands dig into the rocks to set it free and... its just a weirdly square purple rock. Embarrassment rushes over Seele as she remembers that fish are simply just fish, they aren't going to know what she meant when she was feeding them. Empty handed and embarrassed she resurfaces for a second time and packs her bag to head home. Another Treasure hunting trip unsuccessful. It occurs to her that maybe she should start asking around for possible treasure spots before assuming there's any treasure anywhere.

Well... at least the fish got feed.
Reward Amount
Chest of Shells 2
Potion Crate 1
Odd Chest 1
Thumbnail for SYM-535: Seele

SYM-535: Seele

No rewards set.