Submission (#6321) Approved

2 February 2024, 15:30:35 UTC (5 months ago)
4 February 2024, 17:53:38 UTC (4 months ago) by Kiroria
Early this morning, I spotted a pale light orange Neri with a vibrant green back and nose and brighter orange ears and cheek fluff. it was very surprising to see such an odd-colored creature when Neris are typically softer natural colors. Neris aren't typically found this far inland either, since they live in water. I had recently heard of more unnatural-colored Neris during the time their population nearly quadrupled. I was personally pretty skeptical of these claims, as it wasn't something I'd ever seen and no one ever seemed to take pictures of these strange Neris. It's all just been a bunch of "I found an orange baby Neri! I saw one that had my exact color pattern! I saw a black one on the beach yesterday but couldn't take a picture because it was wet out." I don't tend to believe these since I could claim to have seen a neon pink Jerb, or a 4 winged Arkeos. It doesn't mean either actually exists since I could have mistaken what I was looking at or be lying about it. Though seeing this orange one, it would seem to be a real phenomenon, though this one seems unusually tiny, even for Neris. While I think it's oddly tiny, I do think it may be from living inland since I was relatively young, having last seen one in person when I myself was very small.

Those were good days back then for sure, wading out into the ocean when we'd visit the beach, grabbing everything I could see, even when it wasn't the best idea. There were many times my mother would have to come along and pry a crab or snake off me after I grabbed it without thinking about its claws, so much so that if I just said the word "crab" she'd come running over. Even when I wouldn't, she'd check in if i was 'too quiet' for a bit too long for her liking. I remember grabbing grapes, pulling up a bunch of Neris at once and just sitting and holding them gently before releasing them. It might be from my age or their inability to emote, but the Neris always seemed so calm, or even happy, when I was younger. This one, however, just seems...lonely, and sad. I've never seen them alone like this little one was.

He's sitting next to me as I write, eating some sea grapes in the provisional fish bowl i had laying around until tomorrow when the shop opens so I can get him a proper enclosure. I think I'll name him Citri, for citrus. I had given him some grapefruit with the grapes and he really enjoyed it.

- Synni J West

Synni finds cirtri the Neri, remembers childhood before keeping him
Word Count (doesnt include the last line) 448
Sorry about the link, I forgot to save it as public and "completed"
The text is in here but leaving the link so you can see the number thing on there :)
Reward Amount
Pouch of Shells 2
Silver 400
Thumbnail for SYM-935: Synni

SYM-935: Synni

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for NER-051: Citri

NER-051: Citri

No rewards set.