Submission (#7167) Approved

28 February 2024, 16:04:52 UTC (4 months ago)
28 February 2024, 19:23:29 UTC (4 months ago) by Drearypiper
Hello Diary,

What a day today has been! My initial goal was to catch some tomato crabs while lazing about in Pirate Cove, But WOW! I never imagined finding a hidden treasure cave nearby. If anyone knows exploring it is me, and boy did I explore.

At first, it was a bit scary, the darkness of the cave was getting to me. There were all sorts of left-behind human trash and items, so I decided to dig through those piles first. I didn't find anything too shiny, just a metal stick with 4 prongs at the end, and what appeared to be a ball with a tiny window that had some words that changed every time it moved. I decided to keep both since you never know when you could need either of those things. Whatever they are…

As I moved deeper into the cave, I noticed the walls began to have a little shine on them, and as I got closer to check it out, it was silver! I used my claws to just peel off a few pieces, silver is always needed!

After pocketing some of the silver and rounding a bend in the cave, it was too good to be true. Something from a storybook! A pile of treasure sat surrounded by some murky waters, and a pillar of light was hitting the goods just perfectly, the shine glittered throughout the cave walls.

I called out just to be sure no one lived here or had already claimed this treasure pile but all I was met with was the empty echos of my voice. Me and the tomato crab I found earlier gave each other a look and got straight to work. I grabbed the silver and gold first, stuffing them in my bags, and even made two piles to carry out after we were done, while the crab lifted heavier bars, gems, and potions into piles so they were easier to carry and count. Those tomato crabs sure are surprisingly strong!

My bags were overflowing by the time we almost emptied the place, heavy too. Even the crab carried out some items for me. I think I even dropped a few silver on our way out after I had bumped into the wall…. and that reminds me I'll have to go back later tonight to grab the few things we did leave behind!

See ya journal!
Eden ♡
Reward Amount
Pouch of Shells 2
Silver 400
Thumbnail for SYM-002: Eden ♡

SYM-002: Eden ♡

No rewards set.