Submission (#9228) Approved

8 June 2024, 00:36:41 UTC (1 month ago)
9 June 2024, 20:26:32 UTC (4 weeks ago) by Kiroria

Fruity bat-hawks are small predators, wild individuals of which like to live in large families, and domestic ones are strongly attached to their owner

They received this strange name when they were found sleeping on fruit trees among the leaves, like bats, wrapping their long tails around the trees.
Their colors vary from the brightest and most colorful to completely unnoticeable, determining their tactics - hiding among the leaves or pretending to be a colorful fruit
They do not lay eggs often: only 2-3 per year. And they carefully take care of their safety - hiding them in bushes and shallowly dug holes, then secretly feeding nestlings with insects and soft berries/fruits

Often such pets are shown at various exhibitions, and larger individuals are even used as companions in regular and treasure hunting. Fruity bat-hawks have very good eyesight and tenacious paws

Developed vocal cords allow them to learn several simple phrases by repeating after their owner. Bat-hawks are very social pets, and constantly need attention and communication from either their own kind, the owner, and even other pets
Reward Amount
Obsidian Dust 1
Diamond 1