Submission (#9968) Approved

7 August 2024, 02:29:05 UTC (1 month ago)
12 August 2024, 13:05:54 UTC (1 month ago) by Drearypiper
I was enjoying my time by the Carina Cove watching the fish swim by within the warm waters. The waterfall provided a calming break to the silence that was interrupted by the occasional call of a Phoqueas Monkey. Luckily the monkeys would stay away, as I didn’t have anything for them to play with. After a bit of lounging by the waters edge, I took my time to start to search around the beach for treasure that may have washed ashore and been hidden by the waves. Digging with your hands isn’t as easy as it sounds but the tomato crabs that were wandering along to deliver baked goods to others along the shore.

After having tried a few places along the shore, I only ended up with a handful of colorful shells to take home. After tucking the shells within a pouch I took to swimming, enjoying the colorful schools of fish that greeted me and danced around the coral reefs. After leaving the water I was able to find a nice place to settle, basking in the sun to help dry myself off. The sun always feels so good and causes my fur to fluff in just the right way. I had to be careful not to stay in the sun for too long, retreating to where the land curved and provided shade. The spray from the waterfall was tempting, its cooling mist more effective than the shade. I had just dried myself off, so getting wet again wasn’t more appealing than the shade for now.

Once cooled off, I decided to forage around for any creatures or plants I could take home to add to my little collection. Most of the time I tend to run into the same ones, tossing them back to the wild for another who needs them more to find. I ended up taking home some juicy seagrass I had found washed up along the shore, as well as a midnight conch. Both would be able to sell for a decent amount, though thinking the seagrass might end up better in my meal later today I’ve saved it and put it away. I am looking forward to what it might taste like, and the conch goes well on the shelf with other shells I've brought home from the cove. I think tomorrow i’m going to try and explore the swamps, since I hear a lot of fun creatures can be found hiding within the mangroves.
Reward Amount
Pouch of Shells 2
Silver 400
Thumbnail for SYM-001: karmster

SYM-001: karmster

Reward Amount