Profile SYM-049: Chalcedony

Owned by Snugleaf

Since the day he learned how to walk, Chalcedony has been trying to take down creatures larger than him. He loves the thrill of the hunt; everything fades away but him, his sword, and his target. His favorite method of hunting is by reeling in giant, mutated fish until the leap from the water, then launching himself at them to take them down with his blade. His favorite treat is frog meat, so he often ventures into swamps to hunt them down. This leaves him rather dirty, and he usually forgets to clean off the mud before returning to public areas.

Chalcedony tries his best to make friends, but he never seems to know what to say. He often comes across as cold and hostile, but in reality he’s just nervous. He will overthink every interaction, wracking his brain for the best response, and if he can’t think of one in time he’ll just walk away without saying anything. This isn’t the case with those he feels comfortable around; once he opens up to someone, it’s hard to get him to shut up. He’s very playful with his friends, dragging them on crazy adventures with him, and will often try to prank them by flinging mud or jumping out to startle them.

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