Profile SYM-102: Ciel

Owned by Snugleaf

Since Ciel was a bappy, their life has been a path for them to follow. They were born an only child into an arctic family looking to rise into high society, so from a young age they were taught skills that would lend them to such a lifestyle. They studied wide ranges of academics, instruments, hobbies, and practical skills that would widen their horizons. For a long time they were ok with this way of life. It was easier for them to go along with it all, to do as they’re told and never step a foot out of line. They studied a lot, happy with how much this would please their parents. They were content with being decent at a wide range of skills until… one day they weren’t. They realized that none of it was anything they were truly passionate about, and they grew frustrated with the path ahead of them. None of this was for them, only to chase a lifestyle that their parents wanted. They couldn’t care less about it all. They felt trapped, though, as they shy away from confrontation and are comfortable with a more passive way of living. They want to speak up, to find something they enjoy doing, but it feels beyond them. For now, they most enjoy curling up in front of the fireplace with a good book.

For all of Ciel’s skills, they’re the best at reading others. They can profile a symprite at a glance and hone in on their strengths and weaknesses. They know just how to weave a conversation to go just the way they want it to. By doing this, they can keep others at a distance. They hate showing vulnerability, and will dance around their real feelings without letting anything slip through. Ciel has a sarcastic sense of humor and can easily disguise a cutting remark as a natural part of the conversation. For as polite as they can come off to strangers, they have a hidden, silly side to them when befriended. They love to tease their friends, and once they trust someone fully they will start to open up. They still don’t like to show vulnerability, but warm feelings will seep through their facade when they’re with someone they care about.

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