SYM-370: Aedan

Owned by Yin

Aedan - also called "Pipe" is a new Exy Player for the Foxes. There isn't really anything known about his life before he entered the Palmetto High but as far as everyone knows he's bad with touch and still needs to get used to everyone. Orrrr he's just a normal quiet guy who doesn't talk much.

He doesn't like the taste of fish but owns a collar with a fish on it that he often wears together with his collage jacket. He prefers silence to music and enjoys cold weather and long runs.


Aedan means little flame. He's a striker but benched for now. Maybe practice can prove he's worth his place, maybe not. But he's now and always will be a Fox from now on. 🦊✨


(Ideas: Nora & her AFTG books) 

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