SYM-549: Rue


Rue. She/They. 21.

Rue is a lonesome nomadic Symprite who lives in a chaparral bordering the desert and the ocean, and holds a dark and dreary past. Her name quite literally means rue- bitter regret. She holds deep regret over walling herself up against others and completely isolating herself. She has a solemn outlook for the future, though tries her best to remain hopeful. Rue is extremely wary towards other Symps and no longer knows how to trust others. Although outwardly appearing cold and distant, deep down she wishes to feel included and loved.

Despite the hot temperatures of the chaparral and the desert, Rue wears all black. She is known as the Desert Shadow due to her dark clothing. She has two main locations she lives at- a solitary beach hut off the coast, and a small, isolated oasis in the desert. Otherwise, she is seen constantly traversing the lands for unknown reasons.

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