Profile SYM-711: Rose

Owned by EVER-FEAR

Name: Rose

Gender: Female

Species: Symprite

Subspecies: Arctic

Rarity: Rare

Lineage: None


Inventory: N/A

Currency: N/A

Pets: N/A


HP: 10

Class: N/A

Level: 1

Gear: N/A

Weapons: N/A



Rose is a high-spirited go-getting Symprite, who loves nothing more than to create things with her hands! She feels comfortable both in large groups, and on her own, but occasionally struggles to have one-on-one conversations with other Symprites and Aramelles. She is also easily frustrated, especially when she sees something she wants to do, but can't figure out how to do it. However, she uses her frustration as a means to get better at things she loves, and as a means of dropping things she doesn't like! And she is very vocal about it, even if no one is listening she will blabber on and on about her frustrations. She just can't stop herself!
Rose occasionally has trouble focusing on specific things, especially if she is not interested in them. She has often dropped hobbies and relationships just out of utter distraction, and will even drop important projects to follow her muse of the hour/day/week/month-- although, she will never leave an order unfulfilled. If she believes someone is owed something by her, she will stop at nothing to do that!



Much of Rose's young life is unknown. She lost track of her parents at a young age, and was raised by a group of wild Veron in the mountains until she was around seven. A Symprite found her in the herd, and decided that the wild was no place for a little Bappy, and decided to bring her back to society. Rose states that her love of the wilderness was caused by this-- despite the fact that she barely remembers it.
From then on, Rose lived with this Symprite, until she had enough funds to purchase her own place in the mountains somewhere outside of Elysium. She still lives there now, using her time to make snowglobes, and run a small shop called 7-11 nearby to her house where she sells crafted goods.
She is quite content with this life, although she is never contented with her knowledge. She wants to know how to make more things, and she will excel at that, at all costs! Nowadays, she mostly makes snowglobes, mans her shop, trades for trinkets and new baubles to wear, and petting the local Houndles!

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