Profile SYM-724: Cassanova

Owned by Denotilia

Name: Cassanova

Nickname/s: cassy/cassie,novie,novas

Gender: androgynous male (he/him) (ace/aro)

Age: adult (36-38)

Personality : cold,calm,collective,quite serious, straightforward, usually quiet,sly/cunning if needed to be, and intimidating.gentle, caring and protective those he’s close to (in his own way), sophisticated and curious,secretive, observant, helpful to others (in his own way), hard-working but a bit workaholic ,dense as hell when it comes to flirting (he will not realize until its too late),Expressive but mostly only with his eyes, secretly a softie

Other info:

>Note please reference the ML full body art for his physique/body type as the other ref is only for markings which will be useful for the hair,they’re the same design

  • Lol bro experienced Twink death canonically 
  • first part of the tail (the pink one) is always the fluffiest part of the part of the tail
  • rarely smiles and mostly only does very slightly or in an awkward way
  • horns only has 4 “spikes/thorns” because of childhood injury and originally has 5 before it was broken
    • it was broken due to a imp potion falling onto him and hitting his horns thus breaking a part of it
  • became an imp after turning 20

>a cold-hearted detective with no family nor relatives at all however he’s currently seeing Corey as his own child for some reason, he speculates this is because of some sort of trauma bond.

  • currently have a father-son relationship with Corey
  • Very close with Pamelia and would consider her and her son as family-friend like
  • doesn’t like leaving cases cold unless he’s forced by his superiors to 
  • his reason of becoming a detective is rather a secret however considering he used to be pathologist and has a imp heritage since he was a bappy,people speculates that it maybe a morbid reason  
  • Has some unexplained night terrors
  • doesn’t remember his family/parents

> Very good with breakdancing and dancing in general 

  • loves to watching documentaries 
  • really really loves reading books,scrolls and etc (lol nerd)
  • loves puzzles

> loves discussing stuff with people he's close to

  • will not shut up when it’s about philosophy 

> Diet requires sweet fruits and blood

  • really likes veiled angel 
  • loves nuts (walnuts,cashews,almonds,etc)
  • Likes drinking and most of all making wine


  • Sketchy ref for markings
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  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for links