SYM-739: Neizan🪲's Links

Relationship Status: Acquaintence
I’m not really one to lose my cool and all but man, this Symp really knows how to get my blood boiling… His lack of compassion and respect for all living things makes me want to…*deep breath* nevermind. Anyways I just hope I don’t have to run into him anymore.
His determination to protect others is admirable , but he needs to realize the world is cruel and that you can’t protect everyone, if I have to be the one to teach him that lesson, so be it *sneers*

Relationship Status: ???
If you see this Symp walk the opposite direction and avoid him as much as you can, but if you’re unlucky and come face to face with him…make sure to give a polite bow or lie through your teeth with compliments. I personally wouldn’t trust anyone affiliated with Nevaeh.