Relationship Status: Significant Others
I didnā€™t need anyone, or at least thatā€™s what I thought before I met Armani. He practically forced his way into my life, but to be perfectly honest, maybe I let him into my life because deep in my soul I could feel something I never felt before. If you ask what Armani is to me, the simplest answer I can give is that he is everything to me, and if anyone even thinks about taking him away from meā€¦Iā€™ll paint them in a lovely shade of red.

Relationship Status: Acquaintence
His determination to protect others is admirable , but he needs to realize the world is cruel and that you canā€™t protect everyone, if I have to be the one to teach him that lesson, so be it *sneers*
Iā€™m not really one to lose my cool and all but man, this Symp really knows how to get my blood boilingā€¦ His lack of compassion and respect for all living things makes me want toā€¦*deep breath* nevermind. Anyways I just hope I donā€™t have to run into him anymore.