Comments on EVER-FEAR

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EVER-FEAR's Avatar

Oh hello! Yeah, your lineart style is very nice, and I love the colors you choose for the lineart especially!!

I would consider trading an Imp Potion for art! Note that it cost 10 Gold to buy it, so I'd like around that value in art as a return, though!

2024-04-07 19:31:42

HypocriteAwww's Avatar

OMG I would be super happy to draw some for imp potion! Where can I write to you? :'3


2024-04-07 20:09:42

EVER-FEAR's Avatar

Feel free to either send me a DM on my ToyHouse (CurseofRinn) or DM me on Discord (Curse of Rinn)!

2024-04-07 23:10:58