[treasure] Place of Worship

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✧ Place Of Worship ✧

▸ Featuring Emeritus ◂


Emeritus hopped down lightly into the crumbling ruins of an ancient structure left behind by the humans from history. A small cloud of dust puffed up and he let it settle before studying the surroundings. The ocean symprite had worked his way through lush overgrowth to finally end up here in the central chamber of the building. A sly smile ghosted his lips as Emeritus studied his surroundings.

The roof could barely be called that anymore, most of it having collapsed many many years ago. Large blocks of dark stone kept the walls still fairly intact, giving it stability throughout the ages and lending a hand in withstanding the test of time. There were splintered remains of what looked like wooden benches that must have lined the space in rows leading up to the raised platform at the far end of the space. It was there the symprite's eyes were ultimately drawn. Sat behind rock slabs which he guessed must have once been a large podium and altar sat a huge, weathered sculpture nestled between two large windows, left only with sections of its broken stained glass, lining the back wall.

Despite its age Emeritus could tell the figure had been carved in intricate detail by the steady hand of a skilled craftsman. He let out a low whistle in appreciation as he weaved his way through the ruins to get a closer look at it. The ancient scriptures he had studied did not disappoint for this truly was a place of reverent worship for the humans with much care put into its conception.

From the satchel around his biote, the ocean symprite pulled an old tome and deftly navigated to the pages he was looking for. The book fell open to a detailed description of the many religions of the human race and how they would erect great houses of worship to congregate. It described how many would have a sense of awe or connection to these places, whether or not they practiced of the same faith.

Emeritus glanced back up at the large statue towering over him and closed his eyes for a moment, letting the air sink into him. The distant sounds of nature seemed to surround him and fade away all at once. There was an air of complete serenity that felt as if the roots of the trees that had laid claim to the space were reaching up to ground him. There was a pressure in the air, a heaviness, but it was pleasant and left him with a strange sense of security.

Sure enough Emeritus felt a connection here.

"Interesting..." he murmured before glancing around quickly. The ocean symprite's voice seemed to carry and echo, even as low as he had spoken.

A trickle of a thought soon gave way to an all-consuming idea that had his face splitting into a wolfish grin. He spun around quickly to examine the space in a new light and the more he thought about it the more perfect of a location the central chamber felt for his plan. He inhaled deeply before snapping into his persona and letting loose for a couple lines of a song.

Birds shot into the air from atop the canopies as Emeritus' confident voice carried. It seemed to reach every corner and echoe back to him in a way that seemed to please the man greatly.

"These acoustics are heavenly~"

His biote twitched excitedly and the symprite followed up with a joyful shout as he knew he had just discovered the perfect place for his next few concerts. His mind quickly turned to concocting the perfect way to execute his plans.

"Now they too shall worship me..."

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[treasure] Place of Worship
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In Treasure Hunting ・ By Lark

Treasure Hunting

“For this prompt you must submit a Symprite(s) or Aramelle(s) foraging, exploring or treasure hunting”

「words 615

Submitted By Lark for Treasure Hunting
Submitted: 7 months agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

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