Submission (#1142) Approved

30 August 2022, 05:37:41 UTC (1 year ago)
30 August 2022, 08:41:22 UTC (1 year ago) by Lark
An elaborate decorated shrine stood before him filled with foods of all kinds, little paper knick knacks, flowers, candles and so much more. Arlo was impressed at the amount of detail some of these items had, it made his own look like a small child made it but he was still proud of it and it meant a lot to him. He remenessed the time spent with the individual who had brought him so much joy, laughter, little moments and the such, smiling as he put his little carved fish in a small nook among the millions of other precious items. His little trinket stood out in his eyes, a little fish in a sea of memories and precious souls who have departed this world, be it too early or at the right time. Who's to say what the right time is really, he thought to himself. I suppose when someone is ready to pass on is when the right time comes and we should certainly respect and celebrate the life lived for when they pass, they should know that we will miss them and certainly will have plenty of memories to remember them by. Its ok to miss them or to cry in pain of the loss for that is how we are able to really understand and live through their own pains in life, it's how we come to realize just how precious those moments with that special someone are and how we strive to keep them alive as long as we can but eventually we do need to also put those to rest. This is why he is here, standing in front of this beautiful shine among all of these others, to let go of those painful times and take back the wonderful and precious memories he wants to keep. The fish is his own way of releasing that soul, those heartaches so that his heart can finally be at peace and have the room for more memories, more friendships, relationships and special moments again.

He parts his purple hair aside and takes a closer look at the other symprites around him, some moaning in pain but most are rather relieved, some happy and some cherishing the last moments before moving on. He sees others settling flowers on the river as to take away their pains or perhaps just sending their thoughts along to their loved ones. He sees various symprites tying ribbons to trees and the various little shines, maybe signifying that they are still tied to the others or maybe not quite ready to let go. Some like himself are giving things and food, mostly to let their passed loved ones know that they are still here and plan on taking care of them till they themselves also pass. So many different ways others are grieving or celebrating the death of their loved ones, some also just simply remembering through stories with symprites who share a connection with the dead or with whom they share a bond with.

Arlo smiles, his hands to his chest a little bit as he approaches the water's edge and sat down. He has brought a special little item, a key to a box that he held dear. This key was a reminder of the person who hes lost long ago and he felt that it was time to let it go. As he rummaged though the little pack he had, he produced a flower, protected in a case filled with leaves and little candies. Alro proceed to set the key and candies onto the flower, saying a few heartfelt words before setting the flower free into the river. Watching it float there for a moment and following the flow really made him feel at peace. With a sigh he got up, dust himself off and bowed deeply before heading off, his heart light and his stride confident.
Thumbnail for SYM-274: Gemini

SYM-274: Gemini

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