Submission (#2067) Approved

3 January 2023, 03:27:58 UTC (1 year ago)
6 January 2023, 14:06:50 UTC (1 year ago) by Lark
Word Count: 858

The sand was hot against his skin but underneath it, it’s cold. Vadi sighs and coils his tail under the sands. The sun sparks against the water, a scattering of diamonds on a thin piece of gossamer. Although he spent most of his time under the water tending to his corals, this was nice as well; feeling the rays of the sun warming his skin, listening to the rush of the surf as it forever chased the cresting foam and watching the fish dart about in the water as furtive shadows.

In the corner of his eye he watches as a group of Symprites begin sculpting the startling white sands of Snowshell Beach.

There are even a few arctics amongst the group but judging from their pink noses and deflated fur, the intense sun reflecting off of the sands was too much for the some. Chuckling to himself, Vadi rolls up onto his feet and flicks his tail, spraying grains of sand. He loved the heat and seeing the other struggle with it, well, what kind of visitor to the scultping competition would he be if he didn’t offer some assistance?

“A little warm here for you?” Vadi asks with a Cheshire grin, his own vibrant skin practically glowing in the midday radiance.

The arctic closest to him looks up from under long white fur that trails like freshly fallen snow between his antlers.

“It’s…very hot…” He begins furtively as he takes a sip of water from a clay cup.

Vadi takes the cup from the arctic symp, their fingers brushing for just a moment. The arctic symp stills and looks down at his hooves. “I’m Vadi and I love meeting new Symprites,” he beings with a purr. “And who are you?”

The arctic finally looks up at him, though his grip tightens on his cup. “Sylph.”

“The pleasure is mine. Here, why don’t you direct me. The quicker we get your sculpture done, the sooner you can rest in the shade and tell me all about your home and the numerous adventures you have no doubt been on.”

A furtive smile tugs subtle as a fox at the corner of Sylph’s mouth. “Okay…if you don’t mind.”

Vadi rolls his shoulders in a careless shrug. “Of course not, I wouldn’t have offered my services if I had minded Sylph. Now, tell me what I’m to do.”

Sylph, as it turns out, is quiet but direct, telling him where to pile sand, how much water to pour and what kinds of shells he requires for his work. Vadi, for once, doesn’t mind being directed such, for the shy arctic is a novel curiosity for these parts.

Collecting a large pink shell that fans from a delicate point, Vadi presses it onto the back of the sculpture that Sylph is creating. As they work, it becomes immediately apparent that the sculpture is that of a byun, one with a large smile and a mischievous glint to its eye. “Is this creation inspired by a living specimen?” Vadi inquires as he runs his thumb down one of the paws of the byun to create the valleys between its toes.

Sylph nods and takes a moment to pause and stretch his back with his hands pressing against the small of his back. “Yes, my byun, Cheshire. He hates the hot weather even more than I do, so I didn’t bring him. But I thought I could at least make my sculpture in his honour.”

Vadi chuckles and raises an eyebrow. “Certainly, how sweet of you.” He murmurs as he brushes the end of his tail against Sylph’s calf in a little tease. Sylph flushes and continues his work.

As the sun begins to set, Sylph finally steps back and gives their creation an approving nod. “There it’s done.”

A giant byun, seemingly emerging from the sands themselves, lounges against the bright white with a huge grin and a playfully raised tail, as if it were about to pounce into the waters. It was something to behold for sure. Vadi raises his gaze and looks at the other sculptures. There was a wide array of sculptures, those that were startlingly realistic and others that were more whimsical and interpretative. Even though he rarely participated in the event himself, it was always a joy to see what other Symprites had made and meet new people.

“Thank you for your help.” Sylph utters softly. “So, you would like a story in return?”

Vadi flashes Sylph a grin of his own as he slings an arm over the back of his neck. “That was the deal. Now come, let’s get a well deserved cold drink and some sea grapes to snack on whilst you regale me with your tales.”

Sylph lets out a little groan. “Oh I’m so thirsty…I don’t know how you deal with the heat.”

Vadi laughs and guides him to the shade of the palm trees, where a stall had been set up offering all sorts of cold delights. “Perhaps you should stay a while and find out…”

Another year was finished and the new one to come filled Vadi with excited anticipation.
Reward Amount
Diamond 1
Gold 1
Thumbnail for SYM-170: Sylph

SYM-170: Sylph

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Thumbnail for SYM-190: Vadi

SYM-190: Vadi

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