Submission (#3883) Approved

3 October 2023, 17:46:14 UTC (8 months ago)
6 October 2023, 19:13:03 UTC (8 months ago) by Lark
It was a good day for treasure hunting, Coco decided. The breeze was cooling, the sun was out, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Coco gathered her supplies. She grabbed her favorite satchel and began to fill it. A notebook and pencil to write down her findings. A few sweets for the road, because of course she’d get hungry. A water gord. A compass. A map. The final thing she added was a multi-tool she’d found in an abandoned building. The tool was rectangular, shiny, and blue. She could push on one side and a little blade would pop out. Pulling on the other side would pop out a little pointy thing she used to pry open clams sometimes. There was another thing she had no idea what it was, it swirled around and came to a dull point. She put it in her satchel.

She left her home and headed North, toward a thicket she’d spotted a few days earlier. She was hoping something exciting was there. When she arrived at the entrance of the thicket she paused. Eh, looks like there’s going to be lots of thorns…

She began to dig in her satchel and pulled out a little band, which she used to put of her hair. If I’m gonna get thorns in my fur, I should try to make it less messy. She thought.

She stepped forward and entered the thicket, pushing past bushes and low hanging branches. Her tail was tucked tightly to her side to keep it from getting caught, but still, she gritted her teeth in discomfort as she felt thorns tear a bit at her pelt.

Maybe this was a bad idea….she began to doubt this trip and she pushed onward. She ducked under a particularly mossy and thick branch. When she came out the other side she saw the tree was good for climbing.

I’ll get a better view from up high, she thought. And so she began to climb the tree. It wasn’t a very big tree, it was wider than it was tall. Still a better vantage point than the ground. She hooked her right hoof into a grove to get a better stance and leaned out, peering through the lush foliage. A little clearing caught her eye.

That looks interesting.

She quickly climbed down and headed toward the clearing. She was eager to find new little knick-knacks. The thicket opened up and Coco’s hooves clacked against stone. The cool stone was formed, she looked around and realized it was a stone pathway. In the center of the clearing was a circular stone ruins, with the path encircling it. She approached it with a frown.

“Great,” she muttered, “Nothing cool here.”

The ruin came to her waist and was hollow on the inside. She peered down into it and knew it was a well. Rainwater was collected at the bottom, along with leaf litter and dirt. It wasn’t a very deep well. She ran her hands along the rim, nor was it a very wide well. She couldn’t tell if it was a well made by a Symprite or the creatures before.
She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Despite the lack of treasure, she felt at peace in the clearing. This well hadn’t seen a visitor for a very long time. Who knows, when Coco left, how long it would be until another stumbled upon it? She flicked the blade out on her multi-tool and began to etch something into the stone. When she was done, she smiled at it and turned to leave. It was time to go home. But the words she left?

Come, sit awhile. And breathe.
Thumbnail for SYM-634: Carmella Bunnt

SYM-634: Carmella Bunnt

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