Submission (#4372) Approved

17 October 2023, 21:57:50 UTC (8 months ago)
20 October 2023, 09:21:10 UTC (8 months ago) by Lark
Dawn of a New Day.
The sun rises and leaks through the curtains of a small home out in the Fields. Seele showers and eats breakfast before packing her gear up in preparation for todays exploration. The same gear is packed as always; a med kit, some snacks, rope, bug spray, and some miscellaneous small tools. She grabs her map and marks a location, a small cave that supposedly has some goodies that have caught Seeles interest. With her bag, map, and a trusty pickaxe she sets out.

The first part of the trip is the long hike to the cave. If things go right then she will arrive a little after noon. The first part of the hike is through the fields, since its early morning its not to hot just yet. Normally she would take the time to admire all the pretty flora but today she has her eyes on the prize. She approaches the edge of a dense forest, this part of the hike will be the hardest as she navigates through the rough terrain. Carefully watching her step as to not slip, trip, or fall she makes it to the next section of the hike. A steep incline down into a small area covered in rocks. Seele takes the rope out from her bag and picks a sturdy looking tree to set up on. She ties the rope around the tree checking repeatedly that its secure and safe. When the rope is set up she gathers some bravery and begins lowering herself down the slop.

Once she's made it to the bottom she looks around for identifiers to help her remember where her rope is. She makes a mental note before making her way to the caves mouth. Here, provided she is lucky, she will find be able to find large geodes. First however she needs to make her way into the cave where they supposedly are. She grabs a torch that's slanted up against the wall and lights it.

The cave is dark and damp, as pretty much all caves are. Seele groans due to the uncomfortableness of the air. She waves her torch as she has to make a few path decisions, each time leaving a small chalk marking on the ground to indicate the way back. After what Seele can only imagine has been an hour she reaches a small opening that opens into a larger cave section filled with large rocks. This is what she has been looking for and she lets out a little gasp of excitement. She props her torch up against the wall and pulls the pickaxe from off her back. This is the moment she has been waiting for, if her sources were correct then at least a few of these rocks will actually be large geodes.

The act of swinging the pickaxe hard enough to break stone is definitely one hell of a work out, but nothing Seele isn't already used to. Perks of doing heavy farm work. She breaks open 6 or 7 stones before deciding to take a break and eat some of the snacks she brought. While eating she thinks about how long she has been in here, ideally she should leave with enough time to only be hiking in the dark for a little while. Which would mean leaving soon, but she can't help but want to break open a few more stones. If she stays though she will definitely be hiking mostly in the dark, but to see a geode would be worth it. She packs her trash away and then goes back to smashing a few more stones open.

Some time goes by and she sets her pickaxe down. No geodes here, either they have all been sacked and sold off or there was never any to begin with. She sighs, she new the risk. After all, not every chest has treasure.
Seele packs her things and begins her journey home. Backtracking with her chalk markings, climbing back up her rope, and hiking home. By the time she gets home she is exhausted and while she didn't find any geodes she still had a fun time. Although there always is the rest of that cave to explore should she come to find an urge for some more cave diving.
Thumbnail for SYM-535: Seele

SYM-535: Seele

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