Submission (#4379) Approved

18 October 2023, 01:28:55 UTC (8 months ago)
20 October 2023, 09:23:20 UTC (8 months ago) by Lark
After a long day of hard work...
Seele wraps up the chores for the day. She puts her tools away in the shed when something catches her eye in the distance. As any Symprite her curiosity gets the better of her and she takes off to go investigate. Walking over she begins to eye what seems to be a suspicious spot in the dirt. Upon further inspection it seems to be a spot where somethings been buried. Now when someone buries something its typically none of Seeles business however some unlucky fool decided to bury their goods on Seeles land, which therefore makes it hers now.
Seele tracks back to her shed and grabs a pair of gloves and a shovel. Whatever is burred there will be hers soon enough. She walks back and rubs her hand on the dirt, eyeing which spot she should strike with the shovel to start digging. One she feels a good spot in the dirt she starts digging. One shovel full, two shovel fulls, three shovel fulls, four, five, six? She begins to think just how deep did this person bury their goods?
After several more shovel fulls Seele pauses. Perhaps someone in the house dug a hole and filled it with nothing just to mess with her, it wouldn't be the first time someone's pulled this kind of prank on her. This time though she was sure there had to be something, she could feel it. So she keeps digging, and digging until finally her shovel hits something hard. She tries to use the shovel to pry the object out of the ground but no luck. She sits and ponders for a moment before going back to he shed and grabbing some smaller tools to dig with. Once she's back at the hole she's dug she attempts to excavate around the mysterious shiny object. Some digging here so prying there, after what seems like forever she slumps back and sighs little progress has been made so far. The sun will be setting soon and she's not sure if she wants to continue digging in the dark. Her mind is made up quick however as treasure is treasure and she's come this far.
She quickly retrieves a flashlight and preps herself to dig in the dark. As the sun sets and the moon rises Seele continues digging at this shiny object. Its around midnight when she is finally able to pull the object out from the ground fully. A medium sized, very shiny and sparkly, very inciting, and very locked chest. Seele stares at this chest for a little while, digging around in the dirt to see if the key got burred as well. With no key in sight she begins to contemplate how to unlock this chest and what goodies could be inside. She gathers all her things, fills the hole back in, takes her tools to the shed and the chest to her home.
She sets the chest on her kitchen table and rotates it a little, perhaps if she stares at it hard enough it will unlock by itself. She fiddles with the lock on it before looting her bathroom for a couple bobby pins, she's seen other people lock pick things before so it can't be that hard. She sticks the bobby pins into the lock before realizing she literally does not know what comes next, she jiggles the pins around before giving up. She was hoping it wouldn't come to this but she knows what to try next. She takes the box to her back yard, picks a very nice big tough looking rock and starts smashing it into the lock until it pops off.
Now the prize moment has arrived. Seele grabs the lid of the box and begins opening it, all the effort and anticipation has come to this. As the lid finally opens Seele looks to the content and finds... A single silver shell and not from a friend telling her she really needs to stop falling for these pranks.
She shouts in frustration before laughing at herself. Once again her drive for treasure has sent her on a wild goose chase. Of course not for nothing, after all she did get one whole silver shell did she not.
Thumbnail for SYM-535: Seele

SYM-535: Seele

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