Submission (#4720) Approved

7 November 2023, 17:56:21 UTC (8 months ago)
8 November 2023, 09:19:28 UTC (8 months ago) by Lark
Another day another hunt for treasure! Seele pops out of bed with excitement. Sure her last two hunts for treasure may have come back empty-handed but this time, oh this time, she was for sure coming back with something good!
She knew this for sure because she had sourced a treasure map from a reputable source this time. No happening to overhear or stumbling across something on her land. A real treasure map with real treasure at the end!
Seele got dressed and ate some food before grabbing her map and laying out across the table. She had come up with a plan the night before. It went something along the lines of packing materials needed, heading out, digging up treasure, profit. Not the best plan but she wasn't a professional treasure hunter after all. Her range of knowledge focused mostly on the farming and ranching area.
Regardless she packed her bag, which included several digging tools, some rope, road snacks, water, and a couple of other miscellaneous tools she felt she might need. Once she deemed herself prepared she set out onto the road. The map she had didn't have the exact spot of the treasure but rather a red circle indicating that it's around the area somewhere. Its why her source was willing to give her the map, supposedly they had been searching the area for a week and gave up on it. Of course knowing her luck Seele was also prepared for there to be no actual treasure, but part of her was really sure this time it would happen.
Today happened to be a cool day, winter doesn't hit to hard where Seele lives but it hits just hard enough that the days go from hot to warm to cool. She wouldn't need an umbrella to hide from the sun but she brought one just in case. The first part of the journey wouldn't be much, just a lot of walking, and walking, and walking. Seele didn't mind though as she has always been one for sight seeing and she was taking a path she had never walked before. Of course safety first as she had notified her friend were she was going and what path she was taking just in case something happened. As the first few hours passed Seele relaxed and made sure to take in her surrounding.
Eventually she arrived to a river. She would have to cross it in order to keep going forward. She had done her research and knew there was a bridge here but to her surprise the bridge was in such a state that she was unsure if she could call it a bridge. It would be unsafe to try and cross it in its current state but it would also be unsafe to try and cross the river without it. This river in particular is a fast flowing one filled with to many sharp rocks to be worth risking. Seele decided she would take the moment to eat a snack, drink some water, and think. If she crossed the bridge she would risk getting hurt due to its less then ideal but crossing in the water is an even worse risk. Sure she could turn around and go home but she was determined to get treasure this time, she has had far to many false calls with treasure. Taking a deep breath in Seele decided she would brave the bridge.
She carefully step hoof on the bridge, testing how much weight she could put on each section she stepped on. She held what was left of the railing as tightly as she could. Each step just as stressful as the last. One of her steps was misplaced at the wood broke beneath her foot falling into the river below and almost taking her with it. Her heart now racing faster then before she continued on forward. One step after another, until she was across the bridge.
Now across she realized she would have to cross it again on the way back, that or find an alternative route home, or maybe another bridge. That didn't matter right now though as she was back on track for the treasure hunt. She continued forward on the path, arriving at the edge of the big red circle on her map. Her face lit up, soon the moment she was waiting for would arive. Real treasure would fall into her hands. She equipped herself with a shovel and began examining the area. She could see the remnants of when her source had been here digging around. She started poking at the ground with the shovel, feeling around for where she thinks a good spot to start digging would be. After prodding around for a while she picks a spot she's confident in and starts digging, as excepted the first spot is a dud. So she keeps digging in more spots, nothing, nothing, and more nothing. The sun begins to set and Seele decides that she can always come back another day. As she packs her things to go something catches her eye, and odd looking spot underneath a tree. She pulls out her shovel again and decides to dig up one more spot. Her shovel hits the dirt and she begins to dig and dig and di-
Her shovel makes a metallic clunk noise as it collides into something in the ground. She pauses for a moment before lighting up in excitement. She maneuvers the shovel around the object and uses it to hoist it out of the ground. The moment Seele has been waiting for has finally arrived. She examines the small chest with excited eyes before turning it around so she can open it. As the chest clicks open she gets a good look at its contents. An odd shiny statue, made of some kind of semi-holographic metallic material. She examines it a little closer, its shaped almost like a houndle but not quite? Its missing its neck flaps and has a single horn on its forehead. As the sky turns dark Seele realizes that she should head home. So with her new treasure in hand she begins her journey home. Although she doesn't want to risk crossing the bridge again so she heads further north where another bridge is supposed to be.
Soon she will arrive home, and she will proudly display her weird looking uni-horned almost houndle statue in her living room.
A good day for Seele indeed.

[Word Count: 1,080]
Thumbnail for SYM-535: Seele

SYM-535: Seele

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