AMOUNTii009's Avatar
Lvl: 1
28 October 2023 (11 months ago)
242 Silver
0 Gold
0 Diamond
2 Obsidian
8 Chocolate Coin
Gold Trait Potion
Golden Daggerfish
Oilspil Kiril
Alligawper MYO Ticket
No weapons or gear owned.

Characters / Symprite Species / Symp accountbound MYO / Aramelle Species / Pet Species


AMOUNTii009 Avatar


2024-04-13 00:38:06 (Edited 2024-04-15 13:01:26)

Fenokey Avatar
Fenokey Staff Member

Symp 1061 trade not granted you share the same IP, is the person a sibling, partner, etc?

2024-04-12 22:56:14

AMOUNTii009 Avatar

Hey, yep! We are sisters, I got interested in the species with her so we take care of the character together!!!!! I apologise, I'd just feel more comfortable if the character was on her account (because I'm often at work at that time and for the most part the girl is growing on her end ToT) if that's not allowed, that's fine!!!! ty 

2024-04-13 13:42:18

Fenokey Avatar
Fenokey Staff Member

Sorry is ok! you're free to send them over i wasn't sure, good to know! feel free to mark this on both your profiles btw! since the system can autoban people for "suspicious" activity <:3 so it's best to put it on both your profiles! <3

2024-04-15 11:57:07

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