RantipoleRayne's Avatar
14 October 2023 (8 months ago)

Hiya I'm Rayne!

~Welcome to my abode~

I live in Australia and have a sun conure named Hylia. She's a lil darling and very loud xD. I also have two Bettas called Razz and Dip and they live in a tank (it's divided so they can't get to each other but the bristlenoses can go between both sides) with 5 bristlenose which i refer to as The Bois (although theyre all girls except one lmao). I also have baby bristlenose atm!! They're so cute!

Update on my fishies!

The guppies are now home in my parents tank, along with 4 of the baby bristlenose. also my bristlenose had more babies >_<, so theres 36 in total in a tank by themselves (the dad has had his baby making privlidge revoked xD, he still has hiding spots tho)

I now have cherry shrimp! I have red, yellow and blue cherries and two black galaxy shrimp (theyre a hybrid!). I'm very excited to see the tank thrive and grow (its all planted!)
1226 Silver
33 Gold
10 Diamond
22 Obsidian
116 Chocolate Coin
Fighting Seastar
Chocolate Bag
Guardian Kokotu Reward
Sunrise Seaweed
No weapons or gear owned.

Characters / Symprite Species / Symp accountbound MYO / Aramelle Species / Pet Species


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