Maya Illyx Mayan

Also known as "Craftsman's Holly"

The harvest of these tough and versatile plants is worth celebrating!

A favorite of Aramelles! This particular plant grows as a bush and can be found on the crag faces of southern Capricorn-13. Though tricky to forage due to its location and thorns, it is highly sought after for its importance to Aramellian culture.

Almost velvety in texture, Craftsman’s Holly leaves are often brewed instead of eaten directly – this brings out their robust and complex flavours – and drinks based from them are often fan favourites at brew and harvest festivals. The liquid contained in its translucent seeds has its own uses too as once extracted, it combines well with various pigments to create vibrant, long-lasting paints ideal for Aramellian crafts.

The culinary and artistic versatility of this plant makes it a go-to for many an individual!