<a href="https://symprites.com/world/items?name=Paint Bucket" class="display-item">Paint Bucket</a>

Paint Bucket

Artist: Fenokey

Resale Value: 10 Silver

These paints come in many varieties of colors and finishes and are most commonly found left over from the age of human in The Vault. Symprites and Aramelles often go looting for the rarer paints in the ruins although often run into the pesky Phoqueas Monkeys who guard their hoards which makes this common item harder to actually get than it should be...

These paints have a variety of uses for both Aramelles and Symprites alike with a long-lasting finish and non-toxic base meaning it is safe for bappies and mielles.


♢ crafting info♢
(click to reveal)

Uncommon Rarity

Obtained via foraging (The Vault)



- Fish Stick

(more recipes will be added as we expand the crafting system)