

Restricted rarity designs or lore breaking traits!


This trait is special in that it only applies to Symprites with 2 subtypes. This trait cannot be added with any potion.

trait lore
This heritage can better be described as a mutation since it virtually cannot be passed down from a parent to their offspring, since this heritage seemingly works without rhyme or reason.
 A hybrid symprite has incredibly small odds of being born when their parents are 2 different subtypes, even though great attempts have been made nobody has figured out how to increase these odds yet.

Newborn hybrids have access to both their parent's subtype trait pools, and due to some odd genetic mismatch, they sport very brightly coloured gold markings when born.
Even though the odds are extremely low, twins are also known to be born both sharing the Hybrid trait.
Triplets hysterically have not been documented yet but it’s assumed the chance is there even with dire odds.
It is believed that partly Abyss symprites are to blame for Hybrids since they share the same markings, this is all speculation and not grounded with actual evidence.
It’s perhaps something the biote does when overloaded with too much information from 2 subtypes, creating some sort of “mismatch” when picking a genetic pattern and accidentally merging them.
Speculations aside Hybrids live the same lives as any other Symprite and do not gain any natural advantages like some other heritages, besides the ability to show off a few more traits these are like any other symprite and usually do not get special treatment among their kind.


Applies to Epic aramelle traits and or Symprite Hybrids! 
Symprite hybrids cannot be made with a MYO, these can only be won during events!


Applies for a symprite/aramelles subtype!


Applies for a symprite/aramelles subtype!


Applies for a symprite/aramelles subtype!


These are the default traits from each category. If you do not apply a replacement to your myo, these will automatically be added to your character.


This applies to all the byuns made during our free byun myo event!


Applies to the neri petspecies!

14 results found.