<a href="https://symprites.com/world/items?name=Special Symprite Common MYO (Account-Bound Forever)" class="display-item">Special Symprite Common MYO (Account-Bound Forever)</a>

Special Symprite Common MYO (Account-Bound Forever)

Category: MYO Tickets

Artist: Fenokey


To use this item you have to click and open it, it will automatically create a MYO slot in your MYO slot inventory!

Both this ticket and the MYO slot it creates will be account-bound and cannot be traded, gifted, sold or voided under any circumstance.

CBCs (character based characters) are not allowed with this slot! Using a prior self-made design is okay however, but no dekudogs allowed for this specific ticket!

These common ocean symprites will be with us and the site forever, so no graphic and or gore designs will be allowed for this unique accoundbound design.


Account-bound MYO slots and their respected designs may NOT be put up for offers!

You can use this ticket to create an Ocean Symprite.
>> sublist for the non tradable Symprite myos can be found here <<

Keep in mind you can only obtain ONE of these MYO tickets when crafting obsidian with the crafting extension!


Purchaseable At: