Pink Gupper
These fish are a sought after pet in Symprite towns due to their bright scales! They are relatively easygoing, although they can be quite competitive over shiny rocks; a trait many have taken advantage of while fishing.
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Floating Char
These funky fish rely on gas in their bellies to float along the mangrove roots, allowing them to nibble on algae growing there without the need to swim. Many Aramelles find enjoyment in the squeaky sound they make out of the water as the gas leaves their stomach, a defense reflex used to blow bubbles at predators.
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Flowy Hizy
Although gorgeous, these colorful fish are actually poisonous! It takes a skilled chef to make their fins and flesh edible. Despite their danger, these fish can be found being sold at many northern Symprite markets.
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Brilliant Gemfish
These elusive fish have shining gem-like structures along their backs which are made from a mixture of natural minerals and are used to attract mates. They often attract the eyes of Symprites and Aramelles too, you just have to find one first!
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Sneaky Malaka
These eel-like fish can be quite a nuisance to cave-goers, known to nibble on the fins of other fish and even Symprites! It takes a quick reflex to catch them before they dart back to their cubbies between the rocks.
Speedy Saki
These quick fish need a sharp mind to catch! They are often sought after as a delicacy in northern towns and can be spotted darting under ice flows for protection. During Bloomtide they migrate inland in large groups to breed and folk often celebrate their migration with fishing festivals.
Soft Pearlfish
These beautiful fish have caught the eye of many Symprites and Aramelles alike! They can be very rare, but their iridescent scales flash underwater, giving away their positions to skilled fishers.
Glowing Bass
These bioluminescent fish live deep within the sea caves, using their glowing scales to communicate. These scales are often used in jewelry among Aramelles, and are highly desirable in shops.
Beta Pearlfish
These gorgeous fish are a favorite among Symprites and Aramelles alike as a popular pet, though they can be hard to find. They often travel in schools, and when grouped together they can use their long iridescent fins to confuse predators!
Koi Gupper
These fish are a prized pet among Symprites and Aramelles alike. Some towns even have contests and shows to rate their Koi Guppers patterned scales, and bappies and mielles have events to win these fun fish as prizes at the larger festivals.
Sleepy Catfishy
The many whiskers of this fish help it navigate the murky bottoms of the mangroves in search of food. They themselves are a common dish among Symprites and contests are even held to see who can catch the largest ones. But look out! With enough food, these fellas can get to monstrous sizes!
Lime Dory
These fun fish are known for their thick colorful stripes. They live in a tense equilibrium with their striped competitor: the Electric Party Goldie. These fish have territories on the higher sides of cave walls, feeding off of algae that grows there.
Electric Party Goldie
These striped neon fish are a funky find among the dark caverns. They are natural competitors with the Lime Dory, living in deeper sections of the cave where they feed on Sunrise Seaweed, Oilspil Kiril, and other tiny critters.
Bizarre Armorfish
Look out! These strange fish have been known to ram and headbutt curious folk. They are very territorial of their dens that can be found along the cavern walls where shallow scoops are big enough to house both their eggs and the guarding parents. The juveniles are protected fiercely since they don’t have their hardened plates until adulthood.
Tiniest Gupper
This small fish is a particular favorite among Symprites and Aramelles alike! They are curious fish and live in social schools. The Tiniest Gupper is brave for its small size and are often not afraid to swim up to folk or investigate the local foragers.
Pearlescent Moonfish
These gorgeous fish have gem-like structures along their backs, very similar to the mineral build-ups that Gemfish also carry. These rare fish are typically only found at night, hiding away during the day so as to not be spotted by predators. It takes a committed fisher to catch one!
Dwelling Nightfish
These fish are a special find! They live in the farther depths of the underwater caverns, and the scales on their backs and caudal fins flash in the darkness with strange bioluminescence. Their unique patterns are a favorite among collectors, if you can find one first!
Blue Kiril
These little critters are an important food source! Similar to their open ocean cousins, their bright orange insides are rich with nutritious fats and the colors on their carapaces can depend on both their diets and environments.
Oilspil Kiril
These kiril live in the depths of the caverns, rising to the surface only at night to flash the bright spots on their sides and attract nearby mates. A smart and patient fisher would use these moments to catch a few rare fish that follow the Oilspil Kiril to feed.
Rainbow Kiril
These bright kiril have gummy-like bodies that are almost transparent! Their long tongues are used for catching food among the tangled water lily roots where they often hide. They are a favorite snack for fish, Symprites and Aramelles alike as they have special glands that make them taste sweet and sugary.