
<a href=" MYO Rare (Account-Bound)" class="display-item">Symprite MYO Rare (Account-Bound)</a>

Symprite MYO Rare (Account-Bound)

Category: MYO Tickets

Artist: Fenokey

Resale Value: 20 Gold


To use this item you have to click and open it, it will automatically create a MYO slot in your MYO slot inventory!

Both this ticket and the MYO slot it creates will be account-bound until you design and submit it ♡

There is a 1 month trade cooldown put in place after a MYO design is submitted from this ticket, from then on it's free to be traded! ONLY THE TICKET ITSELF IS ACCOUNT-BOUND, NOT THE DESIGN!

This ticket can also be sold from your inventory for 20 gold if you decide you don't want to use it!

Account bound MYO slots may NOT be put up for offers!
This includes but is not limited to:
- offering to make a design for the MYO slot for someone else
- letting someone else design the MYO with the intention to transfer it to the other person


Purchaseable At:

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